Source code for miprometheus.workers.trainer

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) IBM Corporation 2018
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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    - Defines the ``Trainer()`` class, which is the abstract base trainer.

__author__ = "Vincent Marois, Tomasz Kornuta"

import os
import yaml
import torch
from time import sleep
from random import randrange
from datetime import datetime

from miprometheus.workers.worker import Worker
from miprometheus.models.model_factory import ModelFactory

from miprometheus.utils.statistics_collector import StatisticsCollector
from miprometheus.utils.statistics_aggregator import StatisticsAggregator

[docs]class Trainer(Worker): """ Base class for the trainers. Iterates over epochs on the dataset. All other types of trainers (e.g. ``OnlineTrainer`` & ``OfflineTrainer``) should subclass it. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name="Trainer"): """ Base constructor for all trainers: - Adds default trainer command line arguments :param name: Name of the worker (DEFAULT: "Trainer"). :type name: str """ # Call base constructor to set up app state, registry and add default params. super(Trainer, self).__init__(name) # Add arguments to the specific parser. # These arguments will be shared by all basic trainers. self.parser.add_argument('--tensorboard', action='store', dest='tensorboard', choices=[0, 1, 2], type=int, help="If present, enable logging to TensorBoard. Available log levels:\n" "0: Log the collected statistics.\n" "1: Add the histograms of the model's biases & weights (Warning: Slow).\n" "2: Add the histograms of the model's biases & weights gradients " "(Warning: Even slower).") self.parser.add_argument('--visualize', dest='visualize', default='-1', choices=[-1, 0, 1, 2, 3], type=int, help="Activate dynamic visualization (Warning: will require user interaction):\n" "-1: disabled (DEFAULT)\n" "0: Only during training episodes.\n" "1: During both training and validation episodes.\n" "2: Only during validation episodes.\n" "3: Only during the last validation, after the training is completed.\n")
[docs] def setup_experiment(self): """ Sets up experiment of all trainers: - Calls base class setup_experiment to parse the command line arguments, - Loads the config file(s): >>> configs_to_load = self.recurrent_config_parse(flags.config, []) - Set up the log directory path: >>> os.makedirs(self.log_dir, exist_ok=False) - Add a ``FileHandler`` to the logger: >>> self.add_file_handler_to_logger(self.log_file) - Set random seeds: >>> self.set_random_seeds(self.params['training'], 'training') - Creates training problem and model: >>> self.training_problem = ProblemFactory.build_problem(self.params['training']['problem']) >>> self.model = ModelFactory.build_model(self.params['model'], self.training_problem.default_values) - Creates the DataLoader: >>> self.training_dataloader = DataLoader(dataset=self.training_problem, ...) - Handles curriculum learning if indicated: >>> if 'curriculum_learning' in self.params['training']: >>> ... - Handles the validation of the model: - Creates validation problem & DataLoader - Set optimizer: >>> self.optimizer = getattr(torch.optim, optimizer_name) - Handles TensorBoard writers & files: >>> self.training_writer = SummaryWriter(self.log_dir + '/training') """ # Call base method to parse all command line arguments and add default sections. super(Trainer, self).setup_experiment() # Check if config file was selected. if self.flags.config == '': print('Please pass configuration file(s) as --c parameter') exit(-1) # Check the presence of the CUDA-compatible devices. if self.flags.use_gpu and (torch.cuda.device_count() == 0): self.logger.error("Cannot use GPU as there are no CUDA-compatible devices present in the system!") exit(-2) # Get the list of configurations which need to be loaded. configs_to_load = self.recurrent_config_parse(self.flags.config, []) # Read the YAML files one by one - but in reverse order -> overwrite the first indicated config(s) self.recurrent_config_load(configs_to_load) # -> At this point, the Param Registry contains the configuration loaded (and overwritten) from several files. # Log the resulting training configuration. conf_str = 'Loaded (initial) configuration:\n' conf_str += '='*80 + '\n' conf_str += yaml.safe_dump(self.params.to_dict(), default_flow_style=False) conf_str += '='*80 + '\n' print(conf_str) # Get training problem name. try: training_problem_name = self.params['training']['problem']['name'] except KeyError: print("Error: Couldn't retrieve the problem name from the 'training' section in the loaded configuration") exit(-1) # Get validation problem name try: _ = self.params['validation']['problem']['name'] except KeyError: print("Error: Couldn't retrieve the problem name from the 'validation' section in the loaded configuration") exit(-1) # Get model name. try: model_name = self.params['model']['name'] except KeyError: print("Error: Couldn't retrieve the model name from the loaded configuration") exit(-1) # Prepare the output path for logging while True: # Dirty fix: if log_dir already exists, wait for 1 second and try again try: time_str = '{0:%Y%m%d_%H%M%S}'.format( if self.flags.savetag != '': time_str = time_str + "_" + self.flags.savetag self.log_dir = self.flags.expdir + '/' + training_problem_name + '/' + model_name + '/' + time_str + '/' os.makedirs(self.log_dir, exist_ok=False) except FileExistsError: sleep(1) else: break # Set log dir and add the handler for the logfile to the logger. self.log_file = self.log_dir + 'trainer.log' self.add_file_handler_to_logger(self.log_file) # Models dir. self.model_dir = self.log_dir + 'models/' os.makedirs(self.model_dir, exist_ok=False) # Set random seeds in the training section. self.set_random_seeds(self.params['training'], 'training') # Check if CUDA is available, if yes turn it on. self.check_and_set_cuda(self.flags.use_gpu) ################# TRAINING PROBLEM ################# # Build training problem and dataloader. self.training_problem, self.training_sampler, self.training_dataloader = \ self.build_problem_sampler_loader(self.params['training'], 'training') # parse the curriculum learning section in the loaded configuration. if 'curriculum_learning' in self.params['training']: # Initialize curriculum learning - with values from loaded configuration. self.training_problem.curriculum_learning_initialize(self.params['training']['curriculum_learning']) # Set initial values of curriculum learning. self.curric_done = self.training_problem.curriculum_learning_update_params(0) # If the 'must_finish' key is not present in config then then it will be finished by default self.params['training']['curriculum_learning'].add_default_params({'must_finish': True}) self.must_finish_curriculum = self.params['training']['curriculum_learning']['must_finish']"Curriculum Learning activated") else: # If not using curriculum learning then it does not have to be finished. self.must_finish_curriculum = False self.curric_done = True ################# VALIDATION PROBLEM ################# # Build validation problem and dataloader. self.validation_problem, self.validations_sampler, self.validation_dataloader = \ self.build_problem_sampler_loader(self.params['validation'], 'validation') # Generate a single batch used for partial validation. #self.validation_batch = self.validation_problem.collate_fn(next(iter(self.validation_problem))) self.validation_batch = next(iter(self.validation_dataloader)) #print(self.validation_batch['sequences'].shape ) #exit(1) ################# MODEL PROBLEM ################# # Build the model using the loaded configuration and the default values of the problem. self.model =['model'], self.training_problem.default_values) # Load the pretrained model from checkpoint. try: # Check command line arguments, then check load option in config. if self.flags.model != "": model_name = self.flags.model msg = "command line (--m)" elif "load" in self.params['model']: model_name = self.params['model']['load'] msg = "model section of the configuration file" else: model_name = "" # Try to load the model. if model_name != "": if os.path.isfile(model_name): # Load parameters from checkpoint. self.model.load(model_name) else: raise Exception("Couldn't load the checkpoint {} indicated in the {}: file does not exist".format(model_name, msg)) except KeyError: self.logger.error("File {} indicated in the {} seems not to be a valid model checkpoint".format(model_name, msg)) exit(-5) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e) # Exit by following the logic: if user wanted to load the model but failed, then continuing the experiment makes no sense. exit(-6) # Move the model to CUDA if applicable. if self.app_state.use_CUDA: self.model.cuda() # Log the model summary. ################# OPTIMIZER ################# # Set the optimizer. optimizer_conf = dict(self.params['training']['optimizer']) optimizer_name = optimizer_conf['name'] del optimizer_conf['name'] # Instantiate the optimizer and filter the model parameters based on if they require gradients. self.optimizer = getattr(torch.optim, optimizer_name)(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, self.model.parameters()), **optimizer_conf)
[docs] def add_statistics(self, stat_col): """ Calls base method and adds epoch statistics to ``StatisticsCollector``. :param stat_col: ``StatisticsCollector``. """ # Add loss and episode. super(Trainer, self).add_statistics(stat_col) # Add default statistics with formatting. stat_col.add_statistic('epoch', '{:02d}')
[docs] def add_aggregators(self, stat_agg): """ Adds basic aggregators to to ``StatisticsAggregator`` and extends them with: epoch. :param stat_agg: ``StatisticsAggregator``. """ # Add basic aggregators. super(Trainer, self).add_aggregators(stat_agg) # add 'aggregators' for the epoch. stat_agg.add_aggregator('epoch', '{:02d}')
[docs] def initialize_statistics_collection(self): """ - Initializes all ``StatisticsCollectors`` and ``StatisticsAggregators`` used by a given worker: \ - For training statistics (adds the statistics of the model & problem), - For validation statistics (adds the statistics of the model & problem). - Creates the output files (csv). """ # TRAINING. # Create statistics collector for training. self.training_stat_col = StatisticsCollector() self.add_statistics(self.training_stat_col) self.training_problem.add_statistics(self.training_stat_col) self.model.add_statistics(self.training_stat_col) # Create the csv file to store the training statistics. self.training_batch_stats_file = self.training_stat_col.initialize_csv_file(self.log_dir, 'training_statistics.csv') # Create statistics aggregator for training. self.training_stat_agg = StatisticsAggregator() self.add_aggregators(self.training_stat_agg) self.training_problem.add_aggregators(self.training_stat_agg) self.model.add_aggregators(self.training_stat_agg) # Create the csv file to store the training statistic aggregations. self.training_set_stats_file = self.training_stat_agg.initialize_csv_file(self.log_dir, 'training_set_agg_statistics.csv') # VALIDATION. # Create statistics collector for validation. self.validation_stat_col = StatisticsCollector() self.add_statistics(self.validation_stat_col) self.validation_problem.add_statistics(self.validation_stat_col) self.model.add_statistics(self.validation_stat_col) # Create the csv file to store the validation statistics. self.validation_batch_stats_file = self.validation_stat_col.initialize_csv_file(self.log_dir, 'validation_statistics.csv') # Create statistics aggregator for validation. self.validation_stat_agg = StatisticsAggregator() self.add_aggregators(self.validation_stat_agg) self.validation_problem.add_aggregators(self.validation_stat_agg) self.model.add_aggregators(self.validation_stat_agg) # Create the csv file to store the validation statistic aggregations. self.validation_set_stats_file = self.validation_stat_agg.initialize_csv_file(self.log_dir, 'validation_set_agg_statistics.csv')
[docs] def finalize_statistics_collection(self): """ Finalizes the statistics collection by closing the csv files. """ # Close all files. self.training_batch_stats_file.close() self.training_set_stats_file.close() self.validation_batch_stats_file.close() self.validation_set_stats_file.close()
[docs] def initialize_tensorboard(self): """ Initializes the TensorBoard writers, and log directories. """ # Create TensorBoard outputs - if TensorBoard is supposed to be used. if self.flags.tensorboard is not None: from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter self.training_batch_writer = SummaryWriter(self.log_dir + '/training') self.training_stat_col.initialize_tensorboard(self.training_batch_writer) self.training_set_writer = SummaryWriter(self.log_dir + '/training_set_agg') self.training_stat_agg.initialize_tensorboard(self.training_set_writer) self.validation_batch_writer = SummaryWriter(self.log_dir + '/validation') self.validation_stat_col.initialize_tensorboard(self.validation_batch_writer) self.validation_set_writer = SummaryWriter(self.log_dir + '/validation_set_agg') self.validation_stat_agg.initialize_tensorboard(self.validation_set_writer) else: self.training_batch_writer = None self.training_set_writer = None self.validation_batch_writer = None self.validation_set_writer = None
[docs] def finalize_tensorboard(self): """ Finalizes the operation of TensorBoard writers by closing them. """ # Close the TensorBoard writers. if self.training_batch_writer is not None: self.training_batch_writer.close() if self.training_set_writer is not None: self.training_set_writer.close() if self.validation_batch_writer is not None: self.validation_batch_writer.close() if self.validation_set_writer is not None: self.validation_set_writer.close()
[docs] def validate_on_batch(self, valid_batch, episode, epoch): """ Performs a validation of the model using the provided batch. Additionally logs results (to files, TensorBoard) and handles visualization. :param valid_batch: data batch generated by the problem and used as input to the model. :type valid_batch: ``DataDict`` :param episode: current training episode index. :type episode: int :param epoch: current epoch index. :type epoch: int, optional :return: Validation loss. """ # Turn on evaluation mode. self.model.eval() # Empty the statistics collector. self.validation_stat_col.empty() # Compute the validation loss using the provided data batch. with torch.no_grad(): valid_logits, valid_loss = self.predict_evaluate_collect(self.model, self.validation_problem, valid_batch, self.validation_stat_col, episode, epoch) # Export collected statistics. self.export_statistics(self.validation_stat_col, '[Partial Validation]') # Visualization of validation. if self.app_state.visualize: # Allow for preprocessing valid_batch, valid_logits = self.validation_problem.plot_preprocessing(valid_batch, valid_logits) # Show plot, if user will press Stop then a SystemExit exception will be thrown. self.model.plot(valid_batch, valid_logits) return valid_loss
[docs] def validate_on_set(self, episode, epoch=None): """ Performs a validation of the model on the whole validation set, using the validation ``DataLoader``. Iterates over the entire validation set (through the `DataLoader``), aggregates the collected statistics \ and logs that to the console, csv and TensorBoard (if set). If visualization is activated, this function will select a random batch to visualize. :param episode: current training episode index. :type episode: int :param epoch: current epoch index. :type epoch: int, optional :return: Average loss over the validation set. """ # Get number of samples - depending whether using sampler or not. if self.params['validation']['dataloader']['drop_last']: # if we are supposed to drop the last (incomplete) batch. num_samples = len(self.validation_dataloader) * \ self.params['validation']['problem']['batch_size'] elif self.validations_sampler is not None: num_samples = len(self.validations_sampler) else: num_samples = len(self.validation_problem)'Validating over the entire validation set ({} samples in {} episodes)'.format( num_samples, len(self.validation_dataloader))) # Turn on evaluation mode. self.model.eval() # Get a random batch index which will be used for visualization vis_index = randrange(len(self.validation_dataloader)) # Reset the statistics. self.validation_stat_col.empty() with torch.no_grad(): for ep, valid_batch in enumerate(self.validation_dataloader): # 1. Perform forward step, get predictions and compute loss. valid_logits, _ = self.predict_evaluate_collect(self.model, self.validation_problem, valid_batch, self.validation_stat_col, ep, epoch) # 2.Visualization of validation for the randomly selected batch if self.app_state.visualize and ep == vis_index: # Allow for preprocessing valid_batch, valid_logits = self.validation_problem.plot_preprocessing(valid_batch, valid_logits) # Show plot, if user will press Stop then a SystemExit exception will be thrown. self.model.plot(valid_batch, valid_logits) # Export aggregated statistics. self.aggregate_and_export_statistics(self.model, self.validation_problem, self.validation_stat_col, self.validation_stat_agg, episode, '[Full Validation]') # Return the average validation loss. return self.validation_stat_agg['loss']
if __name__ == '__main__': print("The file contains only an abstract base class. Please try to use the \ online_trainer (mip-online-trainer) or offline_trainer (mip-offline-trainer) instead.")