

class miprometheus.problems.Problem(params_, name_='Problem')[source]

Class representing base class for all Problems.

Inherits from torch.utils.data.Dataset as all subclasses will represent a problem with an associated dataset, and the worker will use torch.utils.data.DataLoader to generate batches.

Implements features & attributes used by all subclasses.

__init__(params_, name_='Problem')[source]

Initializes problem object.


This constructor:

  • stores a pointer to params:

    >>> self.params = params_
  • sets a problem name:

    >>> self.name = name_
  • sets a default loss function:

    >>> self.loss_function = None
  • initializes the size of the dataset:

    >>> self.length = None
  • initializes the logger.

    >>> self.logger = logging.Logger(self.name)
  • initializes the data definitions: this is used for defining the DataDict keys.


This dict contains information about the DataDict produced by the current problem class.

This object will be used during handshaking between the model and the problem class to ensure that the model can accept the batches produced by the problem.

This dict should at least contains the targets field:

>>> self.data_definitions = {'targets': {'size': [-1, 1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]}}
  • initializes the default values: this is used to pass missing parameters values to the model.


It is likely to encounter a case where the model needs a parameter value only known when the problem has been instantiated, like the size of a vocabulary set or the number of marker bits.

The user can fill in those values in this dict, which will be passed to the model in its __init__ . The model will then be able to fill it its missing parameters values, either from params or this dict.

>>> self.default_values = {}
  • sets the access to AppState: for dtype, visualization flag etc.

    >>> self.app_state = AppState()

Returns a miprometheus.utils.DataDict object with keys created on the problem data_definitions and empty values (None).

Returns:new miprometheus.utils.DataDict object.
Returns:The size of the dataset.

Sets loss function.

Parameters:loss_function – Loss function (e.g. torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss) that will be set as the optimization criterion.

Generates a batch of samples from a list of individuals samples retrieved by __getitem__().

The default collate_fn is torch.utils.data.dataloader.default_collate().


This base collate_fn() method only calls the default torch.utils.data.dataloader.default_collate(), as it can handle several cases (mainly tensors, numbers, dicts and lists).

If your dataset can yield variable-length samples within a batch, or generate batches on-the-fly , or possesses another non regular characteristic, it is most likely that you will need to override this default collate_fn().

Parameters:batch (list) – miprometheus.utils.DataDict retrieved by __getitem__(), each containing tensors, numbers, dicts or lists.
Returns:DataDict containing the created batch.

Getter that returns an individual sample from the problem’s associated dataset (that can be generated on-the-fly, or retrieved from disk. It can also possibly be composed of several files.).


To be redefined in subclasses.


The getter should return a DataDict: its keys should be defined by self.data_definitions keys.

This ensures consistency of the content of the miprometheus.utils.DataDict when processing to the handshake between the miprometheus.problems.Problem class and the miprometheus.models.Model class. For more information, please see miprometheus.models.Model.handshake_definitions().


>>> data_dict = DataDict({key: None for key in self.data_definitions.keys()})
>>> # you can now access each value by its key and assign the corresponding object (e.g. `torch.tensor` etc)
>>> ...
>>> return data_dict


Mi-Prometheus supports multiprocessing for data loading (through the use of torch.utils.data.DataLoader).

To construct a batch (say 64 samples), the indexes are distributed among several workers (say 4, so that each worker has 16 samples to retrieve). It is best that samples can be accessed individually in the dataset folder so that there is no mutual exclusion between the workers and the performance is not degraded.

If each sample is generated on-the-fly, this shouldn’t cause a problem. There may be an issue with randomness. Please refer to the official PyTorch documentation for this.

Parameters:index (int) – index of the sample to return.
Returns:Empty DataDict, having the same key as self.data_definitions.

Function to be called by torch.utils.data.DataLoader on each worker subprocess, after seeding and before data loading. (default: None).


Set the NumPy random seed of the worker equal to the previous NumPy seed + its worker_id to avoid having all workers returning the same random numbers.

Parameters:worker_id (int) – the worker id (in [0, torch.utils.data.DataLoader.num_workers - 1])
Returns:None by default

Getter for the data_definitions dict so that it can be accessed by a worker to establish handshaking with the miprometheus.models.Model class.

evaluate_loss(data_dict, logits)[source]

Calculates loss between the predictions / logits and targets (from data_dict) using the selected loss function.

  • data_dict (miprometheus.utils.DataDict) – DataDict containing (among others) inputs and targets.
  • logits – Predictions of the model.



Adds statistics to miprometheus.utils.StatisticsCollector.


Empty - To be redefined in inheriting classes.

collect_statistics(stat_col, data_dict, logits)[source]

Base statistics collection.


Empty - To be redefined in inheriting classes. The user has to ensure that the corresponding entry in the miprometheus.utils.StatisticsCollector has been created with add_statistics() beforehand.


Adds statistical aggregators to miprometheus.utils.StatisticsAggregator.


Empty - To be redefined in inheriting classes.

aggregate_statistics(stat_col, stat_agg)[source]

Aggregates the statistics collected by miprometheus.utils.StatisticsCollector and adds the results to miprometheus.utils.StatisticsAggregator.


Empty - To be redefined in inheriting classes. The user can override this function in subclasses but should call aggregate_statistics() to collect basic statistical aggregators (if set).


Function called to initialize a new epoch.


Empty - To be redefined in inheriting classes.

Parameters:epoch (int) – current epoch index

Function called at the end of an epoch to execute a few tasks.


Empty - To be redefined in inheriting classes.

Parameters:epoch (int) – current epoch index
plot_preprocessing(data_dict, logits)[source]

Allows for some data preprocessing before the model creates a plot for visualization during training or inference.


Empty - To be redefined in inheriting classes.


data_dict, logits after preprocessing.


Initializes curriculum learning - simply saves the curriculum params.


This method can be overwritten in the derived classes.

Parameters:curriculum_params – Interface to parameters accessing curriculum learning view of the registry tree.

Updates problem parameters according to curriculum learning.


This method can be overwritten in the derived classes.

Parameters:episode (int) – Number of the current episode.
Returns:True informing that Curriculum Learning wasn’t active at all (i.e. is finished).
check_and_download(file_folder_to_check, url='none', download_name='~/data/downloaded')[source]

Checks whether a file or folder exists at given path (relative to storage folder), otherwise downloads files from the given URL.

  • file_folder_to_check (str) – Relative path to a file or folder to check to see if it exists.
  • url (str) – URL to download files from.
  • download_name (str) – What to name the downloaded file. (DEFAULT: “downloaded”).

False if file was found, True if a download was necessary.


class miprometheus.problems.ProblemFactory[source]

ProblemFactory: Class instantiating the specified problem class using the passed params.

static build(params)[source]

Static method returning a particular problem, depending on the name provided in the list of parameters.

Parameters:params (miprometheus.utils.ParamInterface) – Parameters used to instantiate the Problem class.


``params`` should contains the exact (case-sensitive) class name of the Problem to instantiate.
Returns:Instance of a given problem.

ImageTextToClass Problems

class miprometheus.problems.ImageTextToClassProblem(params)[source]

Abstract base class for VQA (Visual Question Answering) problems.

Problem classes like CLEVR inherits from it.

Provides some basic features useful in all problems of such type.


Initializes problem:

  • Calls problems.problem.Problem class constructor,

  • Sets loss function to CrossEntropy,

  • sets self.data_definitions to:

    >>>         self.data_definitions = {'texts': {'size': [-1, -1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]},
    >>>                                  'images': {'size': [-1, -1, -1, 3], 'type': [torch.Tensor]},
    >>>                                  'targets': {'size': [-1, 1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]}
    >>>                                 }
Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).
calculate_accuracy(data_dict, logits)[source]

Calculates the accuracy as the mean number of correct answers in a given batch.

  • data_dict (DataDict) – DataDict containing the targets.
  • logits – Predictions of the model.



Add accuracy statistic to StatisticsCollector.

collect_statistics(stat_col, data_dict, logits)[source]

Collects accuracy.

  • stat_colStatisticsCollector.
  • data_dict (DataDict) – DataDict containing the targets and the mask.
  • logits – Predictions of the model.

Adds problem-dependent statistical aggregators to StatisticsAggregator.

aggregate_statistics(stat_col, stat_agg)[source]

Aggregates the statistics collected by StatisticsCollector and adds the results to StatisticsAggregator.

  • stat_colStatisticsCollector.
  • stat_aggStatisticsAggregator.


class miprometheus.problems.CLEVR(params)[source]

CLEVR Dataset class: Represents the CLEVR dataset.

See reference here: https://cs.stanford.edu/people/jcjohns/clevr/

Parameters:params (miprometheus.utils.ParamInterface) – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).

Given the relative complexity of this class, params should follow a specific template. Here are 2 examples:

>>> params = {'settings': {'data_folder': '~/data/CLEVR_v1.0',
>>>                        'set': 'train',
>>>                        'dataset_variant': 'CLEVR'},
>>>           'images': {'raw_images': False,
>>>                      'feature_extractor': {'cnn_model': 'resnet101',
>>>                                            'num_blocks': 4}},
>>>           'questions': {'embedding_type': 'random', 'embedding_dim': 300}})
>>> params = {'settings': {'data_folder': '~/data/CLEVR_v1.0',
>>>                        'set': 'train',
>>>                        'dataset_variant': 'CLEVR-Humans'},
>>>           'images': {'raw_images': True},
>>>           'questions': {'embedding_type': 'glove.6B.300d'}}

params is separated in 3 sections:

  • settings: generic settings for the CLEVR class,
  • images: specific parameters for the images,
  • questions: specific parameters for the questions.

Here is a breakdown of the available options:

  • settings:

    • data_folder: Root folder of the dataset. Will also be used to store generated files/ (e.g. tokenization of the questions, features extracted from the images etc.)


      As of now, this class doesn’t handle downloading & decompressing the dataset if it is not present in the data_folder. Please make sure that the dataset is already present in this data_folder.

      • For CLEVR-Humans, since only the questions change (and the images remains the same), please put the corresponding .json files in ~/CLEVR_v1.0/questions/.
      • For CLEVR-CoGenT, this is a fairly separate dataset with different questions & images. Indicate data_folder as the root to ~/CLEVR_CoGenT_v1.0/ in this case.
    • set: either “train”, “val” in the case of “CLEVR” & “CLEVR-Humans”, and “valA”, “valB” or “trainA” in the case of CLEVR-CoGenT. “test” is not supported yet since ground truth answers are not distributed by the CLEVR authors.

    • dataset_variant: either “CLEVR”, “CLEVR-CoGenT” or “CLEVR-Humans”.

  • images:

    • raw_images: whether or not to use to the original images as the visual source. If False, then feature_extractor cannot be empty. The visual source will then be features extracted from the original images using a specified pretrained CNN.

    • cnn_model : In the case of features extracted from the original images, the specific CNN model to use. Must be part of torchvision.models.

    • num_blocks: In the case of features extracted from the original images, this represents the number of layers to use from cnn_model.


      This is not verified in any way by this class.

  • questions:

    • embedding_type: string to indicate the pretrained embedding to use: either “random” to use nn.Embedding or one of the following:

      • “charngram.100d”,
      • “fasttext.en.300d”,
      • “fasttext.simple.300d”,
      • “glove.42B.300d”,
      • “glove.840B.300d”,
      • “glove.twitter.27B.25d”,
      • “glove.twitter.27B.50d”,
      • “glove.twitter.27B.100d”,
      • “glove.twitter.27B.200d”,
      • “glove.6B.50d”,
      • “glove.6B.100d”,
      • “glove.6B.200d”,
      • “glove.6B.300d”
    • embedding_dim: In the case of a random embedding_type, this is the embedding dimension to use.

    • embedding_source: In the case of a random embedding_type, this is the source of the embeddings to use. str, equal to one of the dataset variant: “CLEVR”, “CLEVR-CoGenT” or “CLEVR-Humans”.


      If this embedding_source is different than the indicated dataset_variant above:

      • The class assumes that there is exist in data_folder/generated_files:

        • A file <embedding_source>_embedding_weights.pkl corresponding to the random embedding weights to use,
        • A file <embedding_source>_dics.pkl corresponding to the dicts {'words': index} & {'answer': index}.
      • The class will then override checking if the file containing the tokenized questions exist, and instead load the <embedding_source>_dics.pkl file, and use it to tokenize the questions.

      • Nonetheless, the tokenized questions and dicts will not be saved to file.

      • The class will also load the <embedding_source>_embedding_weights.pkl file and use it as the weights of the random embedding layer.

      This is particularly useful to finetune or test a CLEVR-trained model on CoGenT-A or CoGenT-B.

      Should work for both the training & validation samples although only has been tested on validation samples so far.


The following is set by default:

>>> params = {'settings': {'data_folder': '~/data/CLEVR_v1.0',
>>>                        'set': 'train',
>>>                        'dataset_variant': 'CLEVR'},
>>>           'images': {'raw_images': True},
>>>           'questions': {'embedding_type': 'random', 'embedding_dim': 300, 'embedding_source': 'CLEVR'}})

Instantiate the CLEVR class.

Parameters:params (miprometheus.utils.ParamInterface) – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).

Parses the parameters tree passed as input to the constructor.

Due to the relative complexity inherent to the several variants of the CLEVR dataset (Humans, CoGenT) and the processing available to both the images (features extraction or not) and the questions (which type of embedding to use), this step is of relative importance.

Parameters:params (miprometheus.utils.ParamInterface) – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).
generate_questions_dics(set, word_dic=None, answer_dic=None, save_to_file=True)[source]

Loads the questions from the .json file, tokenize them, creates vocab dics and save that to files.

  • set (str) – String to specify which dataset to use: train, val (test not handled yet.)
  • word_dic (dict) – dict {'word': index} to be used to tokenize the questions. Optional. If passed, it is used and unseen words are added. It not passed, an empty one is created.
  • answer_dic (dict) – dict {'answer': index} to be used to process the answers. Optional. If passed, it is used and unseen answers are added. It not passed, an empty one is created.
  • save_to_file (bool, default: True) – Whether to save to file the tokenized questions and the dicts.

  • A dict, containing for each question:

    • The tokenized question,
    • The answer,
    • The original question string,
    • The original path to the associated image
    • The question type
  • The word_dic

  • The answer_dic


Uses miprometheus.utils.GenerateFeatureMaps to pass the CLEVR images through a pretrained CNN model.


Getter method to access the dataset and return a sample.

Parameters:index (int) – index of the sample to return.
Returns:DataDict({‘images’,’questions’, ‘questions_length’, ‘questions_string’, ‘questions_type’, ‘targets’, ‘targets_string’, ‘index’,’imgfiles’}), with:
  • images: extracted feature maps from the raw image
  • questions: tensor of word indexes
  • questions_length: len(question)
  • questions_string: original question string
  • questions_type: category of the question (query, count…)
  • targets: index of the answer in the answers dictionary
  • targets_string: None for now
  • index: index of the sample
  • imgfiles: image filename

Combines a list of DataDict (retrieved with __getitem__()) into a batch.


Because each tokenized question has a variable length, padding is necessary to create batches.

Hence, for a given batch, each question is padded to the length of the longest one.

This length changes between batches, but this shouldn’t be an issue.

Parameters:batch (list) – list of individual samples to combine
Returns:DataDict({‘images’,’questions’, ‘questions_length’, ‘questions_string’, ‘questions_type’, ‘targets’, ‘targets_string’, ‘index’,’imgfiles’})

Empty for now.

Will call get_acc_per_family() to get the accuracy per family once it has been refactored.

Parameters:epoch (int) – current epoch index

Resets the accuracy per category counters.

Parameters:epoch (int) – current epoch index
get_acc_per_family(data_dict, logits)[source]

Compute the accuracy per family for the current batch. Also accumulates the number of correct predictions & questions per family in self.correct_pred_families (saved to file).


To refactor.

  • data_dict (miprometheus.utils.DataDict) – DataDict({‘images’,’questions’, ‘questions_length’, ‘questions_string’, ‘questions_type’, ‘targets’, ‘targets_string’, ‘index’,’imgfiles’})
  • logits (torch.Tensor) – network predictions.
show_sample(data_dict, sample=0)[source]

Show a sample of the current DataDict.

  • data_dict (miprometheus.utils.DataDict) – DataDict({‘images’,’questions’, ‘questions_length’, ‘questions_string’, ‘questions_type’, ‘targets’, ‘targets_string’, ‘index’,’imgfiles’})
  • sample (int) – sample index to visualize.
plot_preprocessing(data_dict, logits)[source]

Recover the predicted answer (as a string) from the logits and adds it to the current DataDict. Will be used in models.model.Model.plot().

  • data_dict (miprometheus.utils.DataDict) – DataDict({‘images’,’questions’, ‘questions_length’, ‘questions_string’, ‘questions_type’, ‘targets’, ‘targets_string’, ‘index’,’imgfiles’})
  • logits (torch.Tensor) – Predictions of the model.

  • data_dict with one added predicted answer key,
  • logits


class miprometheus.problems.SortOfCLEVR(params)[source]

Sort-of-CLEVR is a simple VQA problem, where the goal is to answer the question regarding a given image. Implementation of the generation is inspired by: https://github.com/gitlimlab/Relation-Network-Tensorflow


  • Generates scenes with dynamic varying number of objects (2-6)
  • More types of intra- and inter-relational questions
  • More natural interpretation of questions
  • data_folder (str) – folder where to look for or save the file containing the dataset
  • split (str) – Indicates either train, test or val
  • img_size (int) – Size of the images to generate.
  • size (int) – How many samples to generate.
  • regenerate (Bool) – Whether to regenerate the dataset


When generating the dataset, this class:

  • First verifies if a file with a matching filename already exists in the data_folder. The filename follows the following template:

    >>> filename = '<split>_<size>_<img_size>.hy'
  • If such a file exists, it is loaded and used as the dataset. If not, it is created and then used.

  • If regenerate is True, the file is recreated regardless if one with the matching filename already exists or not.


The following is set by default:

>>> params = {'data_folder': '~/data/sort-of-clevr/',
>>>           'split': 'train',
>>>           'regenerate': False,
>>>           'size': 10000,
>>>           'img_size': 128}

Initializes Sort-of-CLEVR problem, calls base class ImageTextToClassProblem initialization, sets properties using the provided parameters.

Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).
load_dataset(data_folder, data_filename)[source]

Loads the dataset from the HDF5-encoded file.


This function will look first if a dataset with the same filename already exists or not in the specified data_folder (this filename contains the number of samples and image size of the samples). If no such file does not exist, it is generated and saved in data_folder (with the specified data_filename).


Generates a whole new Sort-of-CLEVR dataset and saves it in the form of a HDF5 file.

Parameters:filename (str) – name of the file containing the samples.

Getter method to access the dataset and return a sample.


HDF5 does not support multi threaded data access with num_workers > 1 on the data loading. A way around this is to move every call for opening the HDF5 file to this __getitem__ method.

See https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/hdf5-multi-threaded-alternative/6189/9 for more info.

Parameters:index – index of the sample to return.
Returns:DataDict({‘images’,’questions’, ‘targets’, ‘targets_index’, ‘scenes_description’}), with:
  • images: images (self.img_size)
  • questions: encoded questions
  • targets: one-hot encoded answers
  • targets_index: index of the answers
  • scenes_description: Scene description.

Combines a list of DataDict (retrieved with __getitem__ ) into a batch.


This function wraps a call to default_collate and simply returns the batch as a DataDict instead of a dict.

Parameters:batch – list of individual DataDict samples to combine.
Returns:DataDict({'images','questions', 'targets', 'targets_index', 'scenes_description'}) containing the batch.

Decodes the specified color index and returns it as a string.

Parameters:color_index (int) – Index of the color.
Returns:color name as a string.

Decodes the specified shape index and returns it as a string.

Parameters:shape_index (int) – Index of the color.
Returns:shape name as a string.

Decodes the specified question index and returns the corresponding string template.

Parameters:question_index (int) – Index of the color.
Returns:corresponding string template.

Decodes the encoded question, i.e. produces a human-understandable string.

Parameters:encoded_question (tensor) –

Concatenation of two one-hot vectors:

  • The first one denotes the object of interest (its color),
  • The second one denotes the question type.
Returns:The question as a human-understandable string.

Decodes the answer and returns the corresponding label.

Parameters:encoded_answer (np.array) – Answer index, encoded as a one-hot vector.
Returns:answer label.

Returns a string containing the shape, color and position of every object forming the scene.

Parameters:objects – List of objects - abstract scene representation.
Returns:Str containing the scene description.

Generates the scene representation.

Returns:List of objects - abstract scene representation.

Generates the image on the basis of a given scene representation.

Parameters:objects – List of objects - abstract scene representation.
Returns:np.array containing the generated image.

Generates the questions matrix: [# of shape * # of Q, # of color + # of Q].

This matrix contains all possible questions for a given scene representation.

Parameters:objects – List of objects - abstract scene representation.

:return the questions matrix (np.array)


Generates the answers matrix: [# of shape * # of Q, # of color + 4]

# of color + 4 = [color 1, color 2, … , circle, rectangle, yes, no]

Parameters:objects (list) – List of objects - abstract scene representation.
Returns:the answer matrix (np.array)
show_sample(data_dict, sample=0)[source]

Show a sample of the current DataDict.

  • data_dict (DataDict) – DataDict({‘images’,’questions’, ‘targets’, ‘targets_index’, ‘scenes_description’})
  • sample (int) – sample index to visualize.
plot_preprocessing(data_dict, logits)[source]

Allows for some data preprocessing before the model creates a plot for visualization during training or inference. To be redefined in inheriting classes.

  • data_dict – DataDict({‘images’,’questions’, ‘targets’, ‘targets_index’, ‘scenes_description’})
  • logits (Tensor) – Predictions of the model.

data_tuplem aux_tuple, logits after preprocessing.


class miprometheus.problems.ShapeColorQuery(params)[source]

Shape-Color-Query is a variation of the Sort-of-CLEVR problem, where the question is a sequence composed of three items:

  • The first two are encoding the object, identified by its color & shape,
  • The third is encoding the query.

Please see the SortOfCLEVR documentation for more information.


Initializes the Shape-Color-Query problem, calls base class SortOfCLEVR initialization, sets properties using the provided parameters.

Parameters:params (miprometheus.utils.ParamInterface) – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).


The following is set by default:

>>> params = {'data_folder': '~/data/shape-color-query/',
>>>           'split': 'train',
>>>           'regenerate': False,
>>>           'size': 10000,
>>>           'img_size': 128}

Decodes the question, i.e. produces a human-understandable string.


A 3D tensor, with 1 row and 3 columns:

  • The first two are encoding the object, identified by its shape & color,
  • The third is encoding the query.
Returns:Question in the form of a string.

Generates the questions tensor: [# of objects * # of Q, 3, encoding], where the 2nd dimension (temporal) encodes consecutively: shape, color, query

Parameters:objects – List of objects - abstract scene representation.
Returns:a 3D tensor [# of questions for the whole scene, 3, num_bits]

ImageToClass Problems

class miprometheus.problems.ImageToClassProblem(params_, name_)[source]

Abstract base class for image classification problems.

Problem classes like MNIST & CIFAR10 inherits from it.

Provides some basic features useful in all problems of such type.

__init__(params_, name_)[source]

Initializes problem:

  • Calls problems.problem.Problem class constructor,

  • Sets loss function to CrossEntropy,

  • sets self.data_definitions to:

    >>> self.data_definitions = {'images': {'size': [-1, 3, -1, -1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]},
    >>>                          'targets': {'size': [-1, 1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]},
    >>>                          'targets_label': {'size': [-1, 1], 'type': [list, str]}
    >>>                         }
  • params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).
  • name – Name of the problem.
calculate_accuracy(data_dict, logits)[source]

Calculates accuracy equal to mean number of correct classification in a given batch.

  • logits – Predictions of the model.
  • data_dict (DataDict) – DataDict containing the targets.



Add accuracy statistic to StatisticsCollector.

collect_statistics(stat_col, data_dict, logits)[source]

Collects accuracy.

  • stat_colStatisticsCollector.
  • data_dict (DataDict) – DataDict containing the targets and the mask.
  • logits – Predictions of the model.

Adds problem-dependent statistical aggregators to StatisticsAggregator.

aggregate_statistics(stat_col, stat_agg)[source]

Aggregates the statistics collected by StatisticsCollector'' and adds the results to ``StatisticsAggregator.

  • stat_colStatisticsCollector.
  • stat_aggStatisticsAggregator.
show_sample(data_dict, sample_number=0)[source]

Shows a sample from the batch.

  • data_dict (DataDict) – DataDict containing inputs and targets.
  • sample_number (int) – Number of sample in batch (default: 0)


class miprometheus.problems.CIFAR10(params)[source]

Image classification problem using the CIFAR-10 dataset.

Please see reference here: https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~kriz/cifar.html


The dataset is not originally split into a training set, validation set and test set; only training and test set. It is recommended to use a validation set.

torch.utils.data.SubsetRandomSampler is recommended.


Initializes the CIFAR-10 problem:

  • Calls problems.problem.ImageToClassProblem class constructor,

  • Sets following attributes using the provided params:

    • self.data_folder (string) : Root directory of dataset where the directory cifar-10-batches-py will be saved,

    • self.use_train_data (bool, optional) : If True, creates dataset from training set, otherwise creates from test set,

    • self.resize : (optional) resize the images to [h, w] if set,

    • self.defaut_values :

      >>> self.default_values = {'num_classes': 10,
      >>>            'num_channels': 3,
      >>>            'width': self.width, # (DEFAULT: 32)
      >>>            'height': self.height} # DEFAULT: 32)
    • self.data_definitions :

      >>> self.data_definitions = {'images': {'size': [-1, 3, self.height, self.width], 'type': [torch.Tensor]},
      >>>                          'targets': {'size': [-1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]},
      >>>                          'targets_label': {'size': [-1, 1], 'type': [list, str]}
      >>>                         }


Resizing images might cause a significant slow down in batch generation.


The following is set by default:

>>> params = {'data_folder': '~/data/cifar10',
>>>           'use_train_data': True}
Parameters:params (miprometheus.utils.ParamInterface) – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).

Getter method to access the dataset and return a sample.

Parameters:index (int) – index of the sample to return.
Returns:DataDict({'images','targets', 'targets_label'}), with:
  • images: Image, resized if indicated in params,
  • targets: Index of the target class
  • targets_label: Label of the target class (cf self.labels)

Combines a list of DataDict (retrieved with __getitem__ ) into a batch.


This function wraps a call to default_collate and simply returns the batch as a DataDict instead of a dict.

Multi-processing is supported as the data sources are small enough to be kept in memory (self.root-dir/cifar-10-batches/data_batch_i have a size of 31.0 MB).

Parameters:batch – list of individual DataDict samples to combine.
Returns:DataDict({'images','targets', 'targets_label'}) containing the batch.


class miprometheus.problems.MNIST(params_)[source]

Classic MNIST classification problem.

Please see reference here: http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/


The dataset is not originally split into a training set, validation set and test set; only training and test set. It is recommended to use a validation set.

torch.utils.data.SubsetRandomSampler is recommended.


Initializes MNIST problem:

  • Calls problems.problem.ImageToClassProblem class constructor,

  • Sets following attributes using the provided params:

    • self.data_folder (string) : Root directory of dataset where processed/training.pt and processed/test.pt will be saved,

    • self.use_train_data (bool, optional) : If True, creates dataset from training.pt, otherwise from test.pt

    • self.resize : (optional) resize the images to [h, w] if set,

    • self.defaut_values :

      >>> self.default_values = {'num_classes': 10,
      >>>            'num_channels': 1,
      >>>            'width': self.width, # (DEFAULT: 28)
      >>>            'height': self.height} # (DEFAULT: 28)
    • self.data_definitions :

      >>> self.data_definitions = {'images': {'size': [-1, 1, self.height, self.width], 'type': [torch.Tensor]},
      >>>                          'targets': {'size': [-1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]},
      >>>                          'targets_label': {'size': [-1, 1], 'type': [list, str]}
      >>>                         }


Resizing images might cause a significant slow down in batch generation.


The following is set by default:

>>> self.params.add_default_params({'data_folder': '~/data/mnist',
>>>           'use_train_data': True})
Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).

Getter method to access the dataset and return a sample.

Parameters:index (int) – index of the sample to return.
Returns:DataDict({'images','targets', 'targets_label'}), with:
  • images: Image, resized if self.resize is set,
  • targets: Index of the target class
  • targets_label: Label of the target class (cf self.labels)

Combines a list of DataDict (retrieved with __getitem__ ) into a batch.


This function wraps a call to default_collate and simply returns the batch as a DataDict instead of a dict. Multi-processing is supported as the data sources are small enough to be kept in memory (training.pt has a size of 47.5 MB).

Parameters:batch – list of individual DataDict samples to combine.
Returns:DataDict({'images','targets', 'targets_label'}) containing the batch.

SequenceToSequence Problems

class miprometheus.problems.SeqToSeqProblem(params)[source]

Class representing base class for all sequential problems.


Initializes problem object. Calls base constructor.

Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).
evaluate_loss(data_dict, logits)[source]

Calculates accuracy equal to mean number of correct predictions in a given batch. WARNING: Applies mask to both logits and targets!

  • data_dict – DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘mask’}).
  • logits – Predictions being output of the model.

VQA Problems

class miprometheus.problems.VQAProblem(params)[source]

Abstract base class for sequential VQA problems.

COG inherits from it (for now).

Provides some basic features useful in all problems of such type.


Initializes problem:

>>> self.data_definitions = {'images': {'size': [-1, -1, 3, -1, -1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]},
>>>                          'mask': {'size': [-1, -1, 1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]},
>>>                          'questions' {'size': [-1, 1], 'type': [list, str]},
>>>                          'targets': {'size': [-1, -1,  1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]},
>>>                          'targets_label': {'size': [-1, 1], 'type': [list, str]}
>>>                         }
Parameters:params (miprometheus.utils.ParamInterface) – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).
show_sample(data_dict, sample_number=0, sequence_number=0)[source]

Shows a sample from the batch.

  • data_dict (miprometheus.utils.DataDict) – DataDict containing inputs and targets.
  • sample_number (int) – Number of sample in batch (default: 0)
  • sequence_number (int) – Which image in the sequence to display (default: 0)


class miprometheus.problems.COG(params)[source]

The COG dataset is a sequential VQA dataset.

Inputs are a sequence of images of simple shapes and characters on a black background, and a question based on these objects that relies on memory which has to be answered at every step of the sequence.

See https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.06092 (A Dataset and Architecture for Visual Reasoning with a Working Memory) for the reference paper.


Initializes the COG problem:

  • Calls miprometheus.problems.VQAProblem class constructor,

  • Sets the following attributes using the provided params:

    • self.data_folder (string) : Data directory where the dataset is stored.
    • self.set (string) : ‘val’, ‘test’, or ‘train’
    • self.tasks (string or list of string) : Which tasks to use. ‘class’, ‘reg’, ‘all’, or a list of tasks such as [‘AndCompareColor’, ‘AndCompareShape’]. Only the selected tasks will be used.
    • self.dataset_type (string) : Which dataset to use, ‘canonical’, ‘hard’, or ‘generated’. If ‘generated’, please specify ‘examples_per_task’, ‘sequence_length’, ‘memory_length’, and ‘max_distractors’ under ‘generation’. Can also specify ‘nr_processors’ for generation.
  • Adds the following as default params:

    >>> {'data_folder': os.path.expanduser('~/data/cog'),
    >>>  'set': 'train',
    >>>  'tasks': 'class',
    >>>  'dataset_type': 'canonical',
    >>>  'initialization_only': False}
  • Sets:

    >>> self.data_definitions = {'images': {'size': [-1, self.sequence_length, 3, self.img_size, self.img_size], 'type': [torch.Tensor]},
    >>>                          'tasks': {'size': [-1, 1], 'type': [list, str]},
    >>>                          'questions': {'size': [-1, 1], 'type': [list, str]},
    >>>                          'targets_reg': {'size': [-1, self.sequence_length, 2], 'type': [torch.Tensor]},
    >>>                          'targets_class': {'size': [-1, self.sequence_length, 1], 'type' : [list,str]}
    >>>                         }
Parameters:params (miprometheus.utils.ParamInterface) – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).

Getter method to access the dataset and return a sample.

Parameters:index (int) – index of the sample to return.
Returns:DataDict({'images', 'questions', 'targets', 'targets_label'}), with:
  • images: Sequence of images,
  • tasks: Which task family sample belongs to,
  • questions: Question on the sequence (this is constant per sequence for COG),
  • targets_reg: Sequence of targets as tuple of floats for pointing tasks,
  • targets_class: Sequence of word targets for classification tasks.

Combines a list of miprometheus.utils.DataDict (retrieved with __getitem__()) into a batch.

Parameters:batch (list) – individual miprometheus.utils.DataDict samples to combine.
Returns:DataDict({'images', 'tasks', 'questions', 'targets_reg', 'targets_class'}) containing the batch.

Parses the task list and dataset type. Then sets folder paths to appropriate values.

Parameters:params (miprometheus.utils.ParamInterface) – Dictionary of parameters (read from the configuration .yaml file).

Handles downloading and unzipping the canonical or hard version of the dataset.


Add COG-specific stats to miprometheus.utils.StatisticsCollector.

collect_statistics(stat_col, data_dict, logits)[source]

Collects dataset details.


Algorithmic SequenceToSequence Problems

class miprometheus.problems.AlgorithmicSeqToSeqProblem(params)[source]

Base class for algorithmic sequential problems.

Provides some basic features useful in all problems of such nature.


All derived classes will provide two operation modes:
  • “optimized”: “__getitem__” in fact does nothing (returns index), whereas “collate_fn” generates the whole batch.
  • “not_optimized”: “__getitem__” generates a single sample, while “collate_fn” collates them.

Advantage of the “not_optimized” mode is that a single batch will contain sequences of varying length. This mode is around 10 times slower though.


In both cases the derived classes will work as true data generators, and not really care about the indices provided from the list. As a result, each epoch will contain newly generated, thus different samples (for the same indices).


“optimized” mode is not suited to be used with many dataloader workers, i.e. setting num_workers > 0 will in fact slow the whole generation (by 3-4 times!).

Initializes problem object. Calls base SeqToSeqProblem constructor.

Sets nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss() as the default loss function.

Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).
pad_collate_tensor_list(tensor_list, max_seq_len=-1)[source]

Method collates list of 2D tensors with varying dimension 0 (“sequence length”). Pads 0 along that dimension.

  • tensor_list – list [BATCH_SIZE] of tensors [SEQ_LEN, DATA_SIZE] to be padded.
  • max_seq_len – max sequence length (DEFAULT: -1 means that it will recalculate it on the fly)



Generates a batch of samples of size ‘’batch_size’’ on-the-fly.


To be implemented in the derived algorithmic problem classes.
Parameters:batch_size – Size of the batch to be returned.
Returns:DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘masks’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:
  • sequences_length: [BATCH_SIZE, 1] (the same random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length)
  • targets: [BATCH_SIZE, , 2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, DATA_BITS]
  • masks: [BATCH_SIZE, 2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, 1]
  • num_subsequences: [BATCH_SIZE, 1]

Returns one individual sample generated on-the-fly.


The sequence length is drawn randomly between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length.


As the name of the method suggests, ‘’the index’’ will in fact be ignored during generation.

Parameters:index – index of the sample to returned (IGNORED).
Returns:DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘masks’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:
  • sequences: [2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, CONTROL_BITS+DATA_BITS],
  • sequences_length: [1] (random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length)
  • targets: [2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, DATA_BITS]
  • masks: [2*SEQ_LENGTH+2]
  • num_subsequences: [1]

Generates a batch of samples on-the-fly

Parameters:batch_of_dicts – Should be a list of DataDict retrieved by __getitem__, each containing tensors, numbers, dicts or lists. –> Not Used Here!
Returns:DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘masks’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:
  • sequences_length: [BATCH_SIZE, 1] (random values between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length)
  • mask: [BATCH_SIZE, [2*MAX_SEQ_LENGTH+2]
  • num_subsequences: [BATCH_SIZE, 1]

Method used as __getitem__ in “optimized” mode. It simply returns back the received index. Whole generation is made in ‘’collate_fn’’ (i.e. collate_by_generation_batch’‘)


As the name of the method suggests, the method does not generate the sample.

Parameters:index – index of the sample to returned (IGNORED).

Generates a batch of samples on-the-fly.


The samples created by __getitem__ are simply not used in this function. As``collate_fn`` generates on-the-fly a batch of samples relying on the underlying ‘’generate_batch’’ method, all having the same length (randomly selected thought).

Parameters:batchNot Used Here!
Returns:DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘masks’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:
  • sequences_length: [BATCH_SIZE, 1] (the same random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length)
  • targets: [BATCH_SIZE, , 2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, DATA_BITS]
  • masks: [BATCH_SIZE, 2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, 1]
  • num_subsequences: [BATCH_SIZE, 1]

Sets maximum sequence lenth (property).

Parameters:max_length – Length to be saved as max.

Initializes curriculum learning - simply saves the curriculum params.


This method can be overwritten in the derived classes.

Parameters:curriculum_params – Interface to parameters accessing curriculum learning view of the registry tree.

Updates problem parameters according to curriculum learning. In the case of algorithmic sequential problems, it updates the max sequence length, depending on configuration parameters.

Parameters:episode (int) – Number of the current episode.
Returns:Boolean informing whether curriculum learning is finished (or wasn’t active at all).
calculate_accuracy(data_dict, logits)[source]

Calculate accuracy equal to mean difference between outputs and targets.


Applies mask to both logits and targets.

  • data_dict – DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘mask’, ‘num_subsequences’}).
  • logits (tensor) – Predictions of the model.


add_ctrl(seq, ctrl, pos)[source]

Adds control channels to a sequence.

  • seq (array_like) – Sequence to which controls channel are added.
  • ctrl (array_like) – Elements to add

pos: Object that defines the index or indices before which ctrl is inserted.


updated sequence.

augment(seq, markers, ctrl_start=None, add_marker_data=False, add_marker_dummy=True)[source]

Creates augmented sequence as well as end marker and a dummy sequence.

  • seq (array_like) – Sequence
  • markers (tuple) – (ctrl_data, ctrl_dummy, pos)
  • ctrl_start
  • add_marker_data (bool) – Whether to add a marker before the data
  • add_marker_dummy (bool) – Whether to add a marker before the dummy

[augmented_sequence, dummy]


Add accuracy, seq_length and max_seq_length statistics to a StatisticsCollector.

Parameters:stat_col (StatisticsCollector) – Statistics collector.
collect_statistics(stat_col, data_dict, logits)[source]

Collects accuracy, seq_length and max_seq_length.

  • stat_col (StatisticsCollector) – Statistics collector.
  • data_dict (DataDict) – DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘mask’, ‘num_subsequences’}).
  • logits (tensor) – Predictions of the model.

Adds problem-dependent statistical aggregators to StatisticsAggregator.

aggregate_statistics(stat_col, stat_agg)[source]

Aggregates the statistics collected by StatisticsCollector and adds the results to StatisticsAggregator.

  • stat_colStatisticsCollector.
  • stat_aggStatisticsAggregator.
show_sample(data_dict, sample=0)[source]

Shows the sample (both input and target sequences) using matplotlib. Elementary visualization.

  • data_dict (DataDict) – DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘mask’, ‘num_subsequences’}).
  • sample (int) – Number of sample in a batch (Default: 0)

Dual Comparison

class miprometheus.problems.SequenceComparisonCommandLines(params)[source]

Class generating sequences of random bit-patterns and targets forcing the system to learn sequence comparison task. System needs to compare both subsequences elementwise and return sequence of 0s and 1s denoting whether items were equal, i.e. x1(0) != x2(0), x1(1) != x2(1), …, x1(n) != x2(n)

Can also work in ‘’inequality’’ mode, i.e. return 1 when x1(n) != x2(n).

Constructor - stores parameters. Calls parent class AlgorithmicSeqToSeqProblem initialization.

Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).
Generates a batch of samples of size ‘’batch_size’’ on-the-fly.


The sequence length is drawn randomly between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length.


All the samples within the batch will have the same sequence lengt.
param batch_size:

Size of the batch to be returned.


DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘masks’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:

  • sequences_length: [BATCH_SIZE, 1] (the same random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length)
  • targets: [BATCH_SIZE, , 2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, DATA_BITS]
  • masks: [BATCH_SIZE, 2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, 1]
  • num_subsequences: [BATCH_SIZE, 1]
class miprometheus.problems.SequenceEqualityCommandLines(params)[source]

Class generating sequences of random bit-patterns and targets forcing the system to learn sequence symmetry task. Two sequences x1 and x2 are symmetric if x2 == x1.

Can also work in ‘’inequality’’ mode, i.e. return 1 when x1 != x2.
class miprometheus.problems.SequenceSymmetryCommandLines(params)[source]

Class generating sequences of random bit-patterns and targets forcing the system to learn sequence symmetry task. Two sequences x1 and x2 are symmetric if x2 == reversed(x1).

Can also work in ‘’antisymmetry’’ mode, i.e. return 1 when x1 != reversed(x2).

Constructor - stores parameters. Calls parent class AlgorithmicSeqToSeqProblem initialization.

Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).
Generates a batch of samples of size ‘’batch_size’’ on-the-fly.


The sequence length is drawn randomly between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length.


All the samples within the batch will have the same sequence lengt.
param batch_size:

Size of the batch to be returned.


DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘masks’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:

  • sequences_length: [BATCH_SIZE, 1] (the same random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length)
  • targets: [BATCH_SIZE, , 2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, DATA_BITS]
  • masks: [BATCH_SIZE, 2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, 1]
  • num_subsequences: [BATCH_SIZE, 1]

Dual Distraction

class miprometheus.problems.DistractionCarry(params)[source]

Class generating successions of sub sequences X and Y of random bit- patterns, the target was designed to force the system to learn recalling the last sub sequence of Y and all sub sequences of X.


Constructor - stores parameters. Calls parent class AlgorithmicSeqToSeqProblem initialization.

Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).

Getter that returns one individual sample generated on-the-fly


The sequence length is drawn randomly between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length.

Parameters:index – index of the sample to return.
Returns:DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘mask’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:
  • sequences_length: random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length
  • targets: [SEQ_LENGTH, DATA_BITS],
  • mask: [SEQ_LENGTH]
  • num_subsequences: 1

pattern of inputs: # x1 % y1 # x2 % y2 … # xn % yn & d $ d` pattern of target: dummies … … … … yn all(xi) mask: used to mask the data part of the target. xi, yi, and d(d’): sub sequences x of random length, sub sequence y of random length and dummies.

# TODO: THE DOCUMENTATION NEEDS TO BE UPDATED # TODO: This is commented for now to avoid the issue with add_ctrl and augment in AlgorithmicSeqToSeqProblem # TODO: NOT SURE THAT THIS FN IS WORKING WELL (WITHOUT THE PRESENCE OF THE BATCH DIMENSION)


Generates a batch of samples on-the-fly


Because of the fact that the sequence length is randomly drawn between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length and then fixed for one given batch (but varies between batches), we cannot follow the scheme merge together individuals samples that can be retrieved in parallel with several workers. Indeed, each sample could have a different sequence length, and merging them together would then not be possible (we cannot have variable-sequence-length samples within one batch without padding). Hence, collate_fn generates on-the-fly a batch of samples, all having the same length (initially randomly selected). The samples created by __getitem__ are simply not used in this function.

param batch:

Should be a list of DataDict retrieved by __getitem__, each containing tensors, numbers, dicts or lists. –> Not Used Here!


DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘mask’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:

  • sequences_length: random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length
  • targets: [BATCH_SIZE, 2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, DATA_BITS],
  • mask: [BATCH_SIZE, [2*SEQ_LENGTH+2]
  • num_subsequences: 1

pattern of inputs: # x1 % y1 # x2 % y2 … # xn % yn & d $ d` pattern of target: dummies … … … … yn all(xi) mask: used to mask the data part of the target. xi, yi, and d(d’): sub sequences x of random length, sub sequence y of random length and dummies.

class miprometheus.problems.DistractionForget(params)[source]

Class generating successions of sub sequences X and Y of random bit- patterns, the target was designed to force the system to learn recalling all sub sequences of Y and X.


Constructor - stores parameters. Calls parent class AlgorithmicSeqToSeqProblem initialization.

Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).

Getter that returns one individual sample generated on-the-fly


The sequence length is drawn randomly between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length.

Parameters:index – index of the sample to return.
Returns:DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘mask’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:
  • sequences_length: random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length
  • targets: [SEQ_LENGTH, DATA_BITS],
  • mask: [SEQ_LENGTH]
  • num_subsequences: 1

pattern of inputs: # x1 % y1 & d1 # x2 % y2 & d2 … # xn % yn & dn $ d` pattern of target: d d y1 d d y2 … d d yn all(xi) mask: used to mask the data part of the target. xi, yi, and dn(d’): sub sequences x of random length, sub sequence y of random length and dummies.

# TODO: THE DOCUMENTATION NEEDS TO BE UPDATED # TODO: This is commented for now to avoid the issue with add_ctrl and augment in AlgorithmicSeqToSeqProblem # TODO: NOT SURE THAT THIS FN IS WORKING WELL (WITHOUT THE PRESENCE OF THE BATCH DIMENSION)


Generates a batch of samples on-the-fly


Because of the fact that the sequence length is randomly drawn between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length and then fixed for one given batch (but varies between batches), we cannot follow the scheme merge together individuals samples that can be retrieved in parallel with several workers. Indeed, each sample could have a different sequence length, and merging them together would then not be possible (we cannot have variable-sequence-length samples within one batch without padding). Hence, collate_fn generates on-the-fly a batch of samples, all having the same length (initially randomly selected). The samples created by __getitem__ are simply not used in this function.

Parameters:batch – Should be a list of DataDict retrieved by __getitem__, each containing tensors, numbers, dicts or lists. –> Not Used Here!
Returns:DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘mask’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:
  • sequences_length: random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length
  • targets: [BATCH_SIZE, 2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, DATA_BITS],
  • mask: [BATCH_SIZE, [2*SEQ_LENGTH+2]
  • num_subsequences: 1

pattern of inputs: # x1 % y1 & d1 # x2 % y2 & d2 … # xn % yn & dn $ d` pattern of target: d d y1 d d y2 … d d yn all(xi) mask: used to mask the data part of the target. xi, yi, and dn(d’): sub sequences x of random length, sub sequence y of random length and dummies.


class miprometheus.problems.DistractionIgnore(params)[source]


Class generating successions of sub sequences X and Y of random bit- patterns, the target was designed to force the system to learn recalling just sub sequences X and ignore Y.


Constructor - stores parameters. Calls parent class AlgorithmicSeqToSeqProblem initialization.

Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).

Getter that returns one individual sample generated on-the-fly


The sequence length is drawn randomly between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length.

Parameters:index – index of the sample to return.
Returns:DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘mask’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:
  • sequences_length: random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length
  • targets: [SEQ_LENGTH, DATA_BITS],
  • mask: [SEQ_LENGTH]
  • num_subsequences: 1

pattern of inputs: # x1 % y1 # x2 % y2 … # xn % yn & d pattern of target: dummies … … … … all(xi) mask: used to mask the data part of the target. xi, yi, and d: sub sequences x of random length, sub sequence y of random length and dummies.

# TODO: THE DOCUMENTATION NEEDS TO BE UPDATED # TODO: This is commented for now to avoid the issue with add_ctrl and augment in AlgorithmicSeqToSeqProblem # TODO: NOT SURE THAT THIS FN IS WORKING WELL (WITHOUT THE PRESENCE OF THE BATCH DIMENSION)


Generates a batch of samples on-the-fly


Because of the fact that the sequence length is randomly drawn between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length and then fixed for one given batch (but varies between batches), we cannot follow the scheme merge together individuals samples that can be retrieved in parallel with several workers. Indeed, each sample could have a different sequence length, and merging them together would then not be possible (we cannot have variable-sequence-length samples within one batch without padding). Hence, collate_fn generates on-the-fly a batch of samples, all having the same length (initially randomly selected). The samples created by __getitem__ are simply not used in this function.

Parameters:batch – Should be a list of DataDict retrieved by __getitem__, each containing tensors, numbers, dicts or lists. –> Not Used Here!
Returns:DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘mask’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:
  • sequences_length: random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length
  • num_subsequences: 1

pattern of inputs: # x1 % y1 # x2 % y2 … # xn % yn & d pattern of target: dummies … … … … all(xi) mask: used to mask the data part of the target. xi, yi, and d: sub sequences x of random length, sub sequence y of random length and dummies.


Dual Ignore

class miprometheus.problems.InterruptionNot(params)[source]


Class generating successions of sub sequences X and Y of random bit- patterns, the target was designed to force the system to learn swap all sub sequences of Y and recall all sub sequence X.

The swap is done in the following way: “bitshifted” the Y by num_items to right.

For example:

num_items = 2 -> seq_items >> 2 num_items = -1 -> seq_items << 1

Offers two modes of operation, depending on the value of num_items parameter:

  1. -1 < num_items < 1: relative mode, where num_items represents the % of length of the sequence by which it should be shifted
  2. otherwise: absolute number of items by which the sequence will be shifted.

Constructor - stores parameters. Calls parent class AlgorithmicSeqToSeqProblem initialization.

Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).

Getter that returns one individual sample generated on-the-fly


The sequence length is drawn randomly between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length.

Parameters:index – index of the sample to return.
Returns:DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘mask’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:
  • sequences_length: random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length
  • targets: [SEQ_LENGTH, DATA_BITS],
  • mask: [SEQ_LENGTH]
  • num_subsequences: 1

pattern of inputs: # x1 % y1 & d1 # x2 % y2 & d2 … # xn % yn & dn $ d` pattern of target: d d y1 d d y2 … d d yn all(xi) mask: used to mask the data part of the target. xi, yi, and dn(d’): sub sequences x of random length, sub sequence y of random length and dummies.

# TODO: THE DOCUMENTATION NEEDS TO BE UPDATED # TODO: This is commented for now to avoid the issue with add_ctrl and augment in AlgorithmicSeqToSeqProblem # TODO: NOT SURE THAT THIS FN IS WORKING WELL (WITHOUT THE PRESENCE OF THE BATCH DIMENSION)


Generates a batch of samples on-the-fly


Because of the fact that the sequence length is randomly drawn between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length and then fixed for one given batch (but varies between batches), we cannot follow the scheme merge together individuals samples that can be retrieved in parallel with several workers. Indeed, each sample could have a different sequence length, and merging them together would then not be possible (we cannot have variable-sequence-length samples within one batch without padding). Hence, collate_fn generates on-the-fly a batch of samples, all having the same length (initially randomly selected). The samples created by __getitem__ are simply not used in this function.

Parameters:batch – Should be a list of DataDict retrieved by __getitem__, each containing tensors, numbers, dicts or lists. –> Not Used Here!
Returns:DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘mask’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:
  • sequences_length: random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length
  • targets: [BATCH_SIZE, 2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, DATA_BITS],
  • mask: [BATCH_SIZE, [2*SEQ_LENGTH+2]
  • num_subsequences: 1

pattern of inputs: # x1 % y1 & d1 # x2 % y2 & d2 … # xn % yn & dn $ d` pattern of target: d d y1 d d y2 … d d yn all(xi) mask: used to mask the data part of the target. xi, yi, and dn(d’): sub sequences x of random length, sub sequence y of random length and dummies.


class miprometheus.problems.InterruptionReverseRecall(params)[source]


Class generating successions of sub sequences X and Y of random bit- patterns, the target was designed to force the system to learn reverse recalling all sub sequences of Y and recall all sub sequences X.


Constructor - stores parameters. Calls parent class AlgorithmicSeqToSeqProblem initialization.

Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).

Getter that returns one individual sample generated on-the-fly


The sequence length is drawn randomly between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length.

Parameters:index – index of the sample to return.
Returns:DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘mask’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:
  • sequences: [SEQ_LENGTH, CONTROL_BITS+DATA_BITS]. SEQ_LENGTH depends on number of sub-sequences
    and its lengths.
  • sequences_length: random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length
  • targets: [SEQ_LENGTH, DATA_BITS],
  • mask: [SEQ_LENGTH]
  • num_subsequences: nb_sub_seq_a + nb_sub_seq_b

pattern of inputs: # x1 % y1 & d1 # x2 % y2 & d2 … # xn % yn & dn $ d` pattern of target: d d F(y1) d d F(y2) … d d F(yn) all(xi) F: inversion function mask: used to mask the data part of the target. xi, yi, and dn(d’): sub sequences x of random length, sub sequence y of random length and dummies.


Generates a batch of samples on-the-fly


Because of the fact that the sequence length is randomly drawn between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length and then fixed for one given batch (but varies between batches), we cannot follow the scheme merge together individuals samples that can be retrieved in parallel with several workers. Indeed, each sample could have a different sequence length, and merging them together would then not be possible (we cannot have variable-sequence-length samples within one batch without padding). Hence, collate_fn generates on-the-fly a batch of samples, all having the same length (initially randomly selected). The samples created by __getitem__ are simply not used in this function.

Parameters:batch – Should be a list of DataDict retrieved by __getitem__, each containing tensors, numbers, dicts or lists. –> Not Used Here!
Returns:DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘mask’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:
  • sequences_length: random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length
  • targets: [BATCH_SIZE, 2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, DATA_BITS],
  • mask: [BATCH_SIZE, [2*SEQ_LENGTH+2]
  • num_subsequences: 1

pattern of inputs: # x1 % y1 & d1 # x2 % y2 & d2 … # xn % yn & dn $ d` pattern of target: d d F(y1) d d F(y2) … d d F(yn) all(xi) F: inversion function mask: used to mask the data part of the target. xi, yi, and dn(d’): sub sequences x of random length, sub sequence y of random length and dummies.


class miprometheus.problems.InterruptionSwapRecall(params)[source]


Class generating successions of sub sequences X and Y of random bit- patterns, the target was designed to force the system to learn swap all sub sequences of Y and recall all sub sequence X.

The swap is done in the following way: “bitshifted” the Y by num_items to right.

For example: num_items = 2 -> seq_items >> 2 num_items = -1 -> seq_items << 1

Offers two modes of operation, depending on the value of num_items parameter:

  1. -1 < num_items < 1: relative mode, where num_items represents the % of length of the sequence by which it should be shifted
  2. otherwise: absolute number of items by which the sequence will be shifted.

Constructor - stores parameters. Calls parent class AlgorithmicSeqToSeqProblem initialization.

Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).
rotate(seq, rotation, seq_length)[source]

# Rotate sequence by shifting the items to right: seq >> num_items.

# i.e num_items = 2 -> seq_items >> 2 # and num_items = -1 -> seq_items << 1


Getter that returns one individual sample generated on-the-fly


The sequence length is drawn randomly between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length.

Parameters:index – index of the sample to return.
Returns:DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘mask’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:
  • sequences_length: random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length
  • targets: [SEQ_LENGTH, DATA_BITS],
  • mask: [SEQ_LENGTH]
  • num_subsequences: num_seq_a + num_seq_b

pattern of inputs: # x1 % y1 & d1 # x2 % y2 & d2 … # xn % yn & dn $ d` pattern of target: d d F(y1) d d F(y2) … d d F(yn) all(xi) F: swap function mask: used to mask the data part of the target. xi, yi, and dn(d’): sub sequences x of random length, sub sequence y of random length and dummies


Generates a batch of samples on-the-fly


Because of the fact that the sequence length is randomly drawn between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length and then fixed for one given batch (but varies between batches), we cannot follow the scheme merge together individuals samples that can be retrieved in parallel with several workers. Indeed, each sample could have a different sequence length, and merging them together would then not be possible (we cannot have variable-sequence-length samples within one batch without padding). Hence, collate_fn generates on-the-fly a batch of samples, all having the same length (initially randomly selected). The samples created by __getitem__ are simply not used in this function.

Parameters:batch – Should be a list of DataDict retrieved by __getitem__, each containing tensors, numbers, dicts or lists. –> Not Used Here!
Returns:DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘mask’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:
  • sequences_length: random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length
  • num_subsequences: num_seq_a + num_seq_b

pattern of inputs: # x1 % y1 & d1 # x2 % y2 & d2 … # xn % yn & dn $ d` pattern of target: d d F(y1) d d F(y2) … d d F(yn) all(xi) F: swap function mask: used to mask the data part of the target. xi, yi, and dn(d’): sub sequences x of random length, sub sequence y of random length and dummies.


Manipulation Spatial

class miprometheus.problems.ManipulationSpatialNot(params)[source]


Class generating sequences of random bit-patterns with inverted targets, so the system is supposed to learn NOT logical operation.


Constructor - stores parameters. Calls parent class AlgorithmicSeqToSeqProblem initialization.

Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).

Getter that returns one individual sample generated on-the-fly


The sequence length is drawn randomly between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length.

Parameters:index – index of the sample to return.
Returns:DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘mask’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:
  • sequences: [2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, CONTROL_BITS+DATA_BITS],
  • sequences_length: random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length
  • targets: [2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, DATA_BITS],
  • mask: [2*SEQ_LENGTH+2]
  • num_subsequences: 1

Generates a batch of samples on-the-fly


Because of the fact that the sequence length is randomly drawn between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length and then fixed for one given batch (but varies between batches), we cannot follow the scheme merge together individuals samples that can be retrieved in parallel with several workers. Indeed, each sample could have a different sequence length, and merging them together would then not be possible (we cannot have variable-sequence-length samples within one batch without padding). Hence, collate_fn generates on-the-fly a batch of samples, all having the same length (initially randomly selected). The samples created by __getitem__ are simply not used in this function.

Parameters:batch – Should be a list of DataDict retrieved by __getitem__, each containing tensors, numbers, dicts or lists. –> Not Used Here!
Returns:DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘mask’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:
  • sequences_length: random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length
  • targets: [BATCH_SIZE, 2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, DATA_BITS],
  • mask: [BATCH_SIZE, [2*SEQ_LENGTH+2]
  • num_subsequences: 1
class miprometheus.problems.ManipulationSpatialRotation(params)[source]


Creates input being a sequence of bit pattern and target being the same sequence, but with data_bits “bitshifted” by num_bits to right.

Offers two modes of operation, depending on the value of num_bits parameter:

1. -1 < num_bits < 1: relative mode, where num_bits represents the % of data bits by which every should be shifted

2. otherwise: absolute number of bits by which the sequence will be shifted.


Constructor - stores parameters. Calls parent class AlgorithmicSeqToSeqProblem initialization.

Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).

Getter that returns one individual sample generated on-the-fly


The sequence length is drawn randomly between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length.

Parameters:index – index of the sample to return.
Returns:DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘mask’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:
  • sequences: [2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, CONTROL_BITS+DATA_BITS],
  • sequences_length: random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length
  • targets: [2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, DATA_BITS],
  • mask: [2*SEQ_LENGTH+2]
  • num_subsequences: 1

Generates a batch of samples on-the-fly


Because of the fact that the sequence length is randomly drawn between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length and then fixed for one given batch (but varies between batches), we cannot follow the scheme merge together individuals samples that can be retrieved in parallel with several workers. Indeed, each sample could have a different sequence length, and merging them together would then not be possible (we cannot have variable-sequence-length samples within one batch without padding). Hence, collate_fn generates on-the-fly a batch of samples, all having the same length (initially randomly selected). The samples created by __getitem__ are simply not used in this function.

Parameters:batch – Should be a list of DataDict retrieved by __getitem__, each containing tensors, numbers, dicts or lists. –> Not Used Here!
Returns:DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘mask’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:
  • sequences_length: random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length
  • targets: [BATCH_SIZE, 2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, DATA_BITS],
  • mask: [BATCH_SIZE, [2*SEQ_LENGTH+2]
  • num_subsequences: 1

Manipulation Temporal

class miprometheus.problems.ManipulationTemporalSwap(params)[source]


Creates input being a sequence of bit pattern and target being the same sequence “bitshifted” by num_items to right.

For example:

num_items = 2 -> seq_items >> 2 num_items = -1 -> seq_items << 1

Offers two modes of operation, depending on the value of num_items parameter:

  1. -1 < num_items < 1: relative mode, where num_items represents the % of length of the sequence by which it should be shifted
  2. Otherwise: absolute number of items by which the sequence will be shifted.

TODO: sequences of different lengths in batch (filling with zeros?)


Constructor - stores parameters. Calls parent class AlgorithmicSeqToSeqProblem initialization.

Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).self.name = ‘SerialRecall’

Getter that returns one individual sample generated on-the-fly


The sequence length is drawn randomly between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length.

Parameters:index – index of the sample to return.
Returns:DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘mask’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:
  • sequences: [2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, CONTROL_BITS+DATA_BITS],
  • sequences_length: random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length
  • targets: [2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, DATA_BITS],
  • mask: [2*SEQ_LENGTH+2]
  • num_subsequences: 1

Generates a batch of samples on-the-fly


Because of the fact that the sequence length is randomly drawn between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length and then fixed for one given batch (but varies between batches), we cannot follow the scheme merge together individuals samples that can be retrieved in parallel with several workers. Indeed, each sample could have a different sequence length, and merging them together would then not be possible (we cannot have variable-sequence-length samples within one batch without padding). Hence, collate_fn generates on-the-fly a batch of samples, all having the same length (initially randomly selected). The samples created by __getitem__ are simply not used in this function.

Parameters:batch – Should be a list of DataDict retrieved by __getitem__, each containing tensors, numbers, dicts or lists. –> Not Used Here!
Returns:DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘mask’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:
  • sequences_length: random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length
  • targets: [BATCH_SIZE, 2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, DATA_BITS],
  • mask: [BATCH_SIZE, [2*SEQ_LENGTH+2]
  • num_subsequences: 1
class miprometheus.problems.SkipRecallCommandLines(params)[source]

Class generating sequences of random bit-patterns and targets forcing the system to learn serial recall problem (a.k.a. copy task). The formulation follows the original copy task from NTM paper, where:

  1. There are two markers, indicating:
    • beginning of storing/memorization and
    • beginning of recalling from memory.

2. Additionally, there is a command line (3rd command bit) indicating whether given item is to be stored in memory (0) or recalled (1).


Constructor - stores parameters. Calls parent class AlgorithmicSeqToSeqProblem initialization.

Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).
Generates a batch of samples of size ‘’batch_size’’ on-the-fly.


The sequence length is drawn randomly between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length.


All the samples within the batch will have the same sequence lengt.
param batch_size:

Size of the batch to be returned.


DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘masks’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:

  • sequences_length: [BATCH_SIZE, 1] (the same random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length)
  • targets: [BATCH_SIZE, , 2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, DATA_BITS]
  • masks: [BATCH_SIZE, 2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, 1]
  • num_subsequences: [BATCH_SIZE, 1]


class miprometheus.problems.OperationSpan(params)[source]

Class generating successions of sub sequences X and Y of random bit- patterns, the target was designed to force the system to learn swap all sub sequences of Y and recall all sub sequence X.

The swap is done in the following way: “bitshifted” the Y by num_items to right.

For example:

num_items = 2 -> seq_items >> 2 num_items = -1 -> seq_items << 1

Offers two modes of operation, depending on the value of num_items parameter:

  1. -1 < num_items < 1: relative mode, where num_items represents the % of length of the sequence by which it should be shifted
  2. otherwise: absolute number of items by which the sequence will be shifted.

Constructor - stores parameters. Calls parent class AlgorithmicSeqToSeqProblem initialization.

Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).
rotate(seq, rotation, length)[source]

Rotate a sequence by shifting the items to the right: seq >> num_items.

# i.e num_items = 2 -> seq_items >> 2 # and num_items = -1 -> seq_items << 1

  • seq (tensor) – The sequence to rotate.
  • rotation (float) – Rotation value.
  • length (int) – length of the sequence

rotated sequence.


Getter that returns one individual sample generated on-the-fly


The sequence length is drawn randomly between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length.

Parameters:index – index of the sample to return.
Returns:DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘mask’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:
  • sequences: [SEQ_LENGTH, CONTROL_BITS+DATA_BITS]. SEQ_LENGTH depends on number of sub-sequences
    and its lengths.
  • sequences_length: random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length
  • targets: [SEQ_LENGTH, DATA_BITS],
  • mask: SEQ_LENGTH]
  • num_subsequences: 1

pattern of inputs: # x1 % y1 & d1 # x2 % y2 & d2 … # xn % yn & dn $ d` pattern of target: d d y1 d d y2 … d d yn all(xi) mask: used to mask the data part of the target. xi, yi, and dn(d’): sub sequences x of random length, sub sequence y of random length and dummies.



Generates a batch of samples on-the-fly


Because of the fact that the sequence length is randomly drawn between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length and then fixed for one given batch (but varies between batches), we cannot follow the scheme merge together individuals samples that can be retrieved in parallel with several workers. Indeed, each sample could have a different sequence length, and merging them together would then not be possible (we cannot have variable-sequence-length samples within one batch without padding). Hence, collate_fn generates on-the-fly a batch of samples, all having the same length (initially randomly selected). The samples created by __getitem__ are simply not used in this function.

Parameters:batch – Should be a list of DataDict retrieved by __getitem__, each containing tensors, numbers, dicts or lists. –> Not Used Here!
Returns:DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘mask’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:
  • sequences_length: random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length
  • targets: [BATCH_SIZE, 2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, DATA_BITS],
  • mask: [BATCH_SIZE, [2*SEQ_LENGTH+2]
  • num_subsequences: 1

pattern of inputs: # x1 % y1 & d1 # x2 % y2 & d2 … # xn % yn & dn $ d` pattern of target: d d y1 d d y2 … d d yn all(xi) mask: used to mask the data part of the target. xi, yi, and dn(d’): sub sequences x of random length, sub sequence y of random length and dummies.


class miprometheus.problems.ReadingSpan(params)[source]

# TODO : Documentation will be added soon


Constructor - stores parameters. Calls parent class AlgorithmicSeqToSeqProblem initialization.

Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).

Getter that returns one individual sample generated on-the-fly


The sequence length is drawn randomly between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length.

Parameters:index – index of the sample to return.
Returns:DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘mask’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:
  • sequences: [SEQ_LENGTH, CONTROL_BITS+DATA_BITS]. SEQ_LENGTH depends on number of sub-sequences
    and its lengths.
  • sequences_length: random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length
  • targets: [SEQ_LENGTH, DATA_BITS],
  • mask: [SEQ_LENGTH]
  • num_subsequences: number of subsequences

Generates a batch of samples on-the-fly


Because of the fact that the sequence length is randomly drawn between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length and then fixed for one given batch (but varies between batches), we cannot follow the scheme merge together individuals samples that can be retrieved in parallel with several workers. Indeed, each sample could have a different sequence length, and merging them together would then not be possible (we cannot have variable-sequence-length samples within one batch without padding). Hence, collate_fn generates on-the-fly a batch of samples, all having the same length (initially randomly selected). The samples created by __getitem__ are simply not used in this function.

Parameters:batch – Should be a list of DataDict retrieved by __getitem__, each containing tensors, numbers, dicts or lists. –> Not Used Here!
Returns:DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘mask’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:
  • sequences_length: random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length
  • num_subsequences: number of subsequences


class miprometheus.problems.RepeatReverseRecallCommandLines(params)[source]

Class generating sequences of random bit-patterns and targets forcing the system to learn repeated reverse recall problem.

  1. There are 2 markers, indicating:

    • beginning of storing/memorization,
    • beginning of forward recalling from memory.
  2. Additionally, there is a command line (3rd command bit) indicating whether given item is to be stored in memory (0) or recalled (1).


Constructor - stores parameters. Calls parent class AlgorithmicSeqToSeqProblem initialization.

Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).
Generates a batch of samples of size ‘’batch_size’’ on-the-fly.


The sequence length is drawn randomly between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length.


All the samples within the batch will have the same sequence lengt.
param batch_size:

Size of the batch to be returned.


DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘masks’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:

  • sequences_length: [BATCH_SIZE, 1] (the same random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length)
  • targets: [BATCH_SIZE, , 2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, DATA_BITS]
  • masks: [BATCH_SIZE, 2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, 1]
  • num_subsequences: [BATCH_SIZE, 1]
class miprometheus.problems.RepeatSerialRecallCommandLines(params)[source]

Class generating sequences of random bit-patterns and targets forcing the system to learn repeated serial recall problem.

  1. There are 2 markers, indicating:

    • beginning of storing/memorization,
    • beginning of forward recalling from memory,
  2. Additionally, there is a command line (3rd command bit) indicating whether given item is to be stored in memory (0) or recalled (1).


Constructor - stores parameters. Calls parent class AlgorithmicSeqToSeqProblem initialization.

Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).
Generates a batch of samples of size ‘’batch_size’’ on-the-fly.


The sequence length is drawn randomly between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length.


All the samples within the batch will have the same sequence lengt.
param batch_size:

Size of the batch to be returned.


DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘masks’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:

  • sequences_length: [BATCH_SIZE, 1] (the same random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length)
  • targets: [BATCH_SIZE, , 2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, DATA_BITS]
  • masks: [BATCH_SIZE, 2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, 1]
  • num_subsequences: [BATCH_SIZE, 1]
class miprometheus.problems.ReverseRecallCommandLines(params)[source]

Class generating sequences of random bit-patterns and targets forcing the system to learn reverse recall problem.

  1. There are two markers, indicating:
    • beginning of storing/memorization and
    • beginning of recalling from memory.
  2. Additionally, there is a command line (3rd command bit) indicating whether given item is to be stored in memory (0) or recalled (1).

Constructor - stores parameters. Calls parent class AlgorithmicSeqToSeqProblem initialization.

Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).
Generates a batch of samples of size ‘’batch_size’’ on-the-fly.


The sequence length is drawn randomly between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length.


All the samples within the batch will have the same sequence lengt.
param batch_size:

Size of the batch to be returned.


DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘masks’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:

  • sequences_length: [BATCH_SIZE, 1] (the same random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length)
  • targets: [BATCH_SIZE, , 2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, DATA_BITS]
  • masks: [BATCH_SIZE, 2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, 1]
  • num_subsequences: [BATCH_SIZE, 1]
class miprometheus.problems.ScratchPadCommandLines(params)[source]

Class generating sequences of random bit-patterns and targets forcing the system to learn the scratch pad problem (overwriting the memory).

Minor modification I: the target contains may contain random command lines.


Constructor - stores parameters. Calls parent class AlgorithmicSeqToSeqProblem initialization.

Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).
Generates a batch of samples of size ‘’batch_size’’ on-the-fly.


The sequence length is drawn randomly between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length.


All the samples within the batch will have the same sequence lengt.
param batch_size:

Size of the batch to be returned.


DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘masks’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:

  • sequences_length: [BATCH_SIZE] (random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length)
  • masks: [BATCH_SIZE, SEQ_LENGTH, 1]
  • num_subsequences: [BATCH_SIZE, 1] (number of subsequences)
class miprometheus.problems.SerialRecallCommandLines(params)[source]

Class generating sequences of random bit-patterns and targets forcing the system to learn serial recall problem (a.k.a. copy task). The formulation follows the original copy task from NTM paper, where:

  1. There are two markers, indicating:

    • beginning of storing/memorization and
    • beginning of recalling from memory.
  2. For other elements of the sequence the command bits are set to zero

  3. Minor modification I: the target contains may contain random command lines.

  4. Minor modification II: generator returns a mask, which can be used for filtering important elements of the output.


Constructor - stores parameters. Calls parent class AlgorithmicSeqToSeqProblem initialization.

Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).
Generates a batch of samples of size ‘’batch_size’’ on-the-fly.


The sequence length is drawn randomly between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length.


All the samples within the batch will have the same sequence lengt.
param batch_size:

Size of the batch to be returned.


DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘masks’, ‘num_subsequences’}), with:

  • sequences_length: [BATCH_SIZE, 1] (the same random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length)
  • targets: [BATCH_SIZE, , 2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, DATA_BITS]
  • masks: [BATCH_SIZE, 2*SEQ_LENGTH+2, 1]
  • num_subsequences: [BATCH_SIZE, 1]

TextToText Problems

text_to_text_problem.py: abstract base class for text to text sequential problems, e.g. machine translation.

class miprometheus.problems.seq_to_seq.text2text.text_to_text_problem.TextToTextProblem(params)[source]

Base class for text to text sequential problems.

Provides some basic features useful in all problems of such type.


Initializes problem object. Calls base SeqToSeqProblem constructor.

Sets nn.NLLLoss() as default loss function.

Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).
compute_BLEU_score(data_dict, logits)[source]

Compute the BLEU score in order to evaluate the translation quality (equivalent of accuracy).


Reference paper: http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P02-1040.pdf

Implementation inspired from https://machinelearningmastery.com/calculate-bleu-score-for-text-python/

To handle all samples within a batch, we accumulate the individual BLEU score for each pair of sentences and average over the batch size.

  • data_dict – DataDict({‘inputs’, ‘inputs_length’, ‘inputs_text’, ‘targets’, ‘targets_length’, ‘outputs_text’}).
  • logits – Predictions of the model.

Average BLEU Score for the batch ( 0 < BLEU < 1).

evaluate_loss(data_dict, logits)[source]

Computes loss.

By default, the loss function is the Negative Log Likelihood function.

The input given through a forward call is expected to contain log-probabilities (LogSoftmax) of each class.

The input has to be a Tensor of size either (batch_size, C) or (batch_size, C, d1, d2,…,dK) with K ≥ 2 for the K-dimensional case.

The target that this loss expects is a class index (0 to C-1, where C = number of classes).

  • data_dict – DataDict({‘inputs’, ‘inputs_length’, ‘inputs_text’, ‘targets’, ‘targets_length’, ‘outputs_text’}).
  • logits – Predictions of the model.



Add BLEU score to a StatisticsCollector.

Parameters:stat_col (StatisticsCollector) – Statistics collector.
collect_statistics(stat_col, data_dict, logits)[source]

Collects BLEU score.

  • stat_colStatisticsCollector
  • data_dict – DataDict({‘inputs’, ‘inputs_length’, ‘inputs_text’, ‘targets’, ‘targets_length’, ‘outputs_text’}).
  • logits – Predictions of the model.
show_sample(data_dict, sample=0)[source]

Shows the sample (both input and target sequences) using matplotlib. Elementary visualization.

  • data_dict – DataDict({‘inputs’, ‘inputs_length’, ‘inputs_text’, ‘targets’, ‘targets_length’, ‘outputs_text’}).
  • sample – Number of sample in a batch (default: 0)




Turn a Unicode string to plain ASCII.

See: http://stackoverflow.com/a/518232/2809427.

Parameters:s – Unicode string.
Returns:plain ASCII string.

Lowercase, trim, and remove non-letter characters in string s.

Parameters:s – string.
Returns:normalized string.
indexes_from_sentence(lang, sentence)[source]

Construct a list of indexes using a ‘vocabulary index’ from a specified Lang class instance for the specified sentence (see Lang class below).

  • lang (Lang) – instance of the Lang class, having a word2index dict.
  • sentence (str) – string to convert word for word to indexes, e.g. “The black cat is eating.”

list of indexes.

tensor_from_sentence(lang, sentence)[source]

Uses indexes_from_sentence() to create a tensor of indexes with the EOS token.

  • lang (Lang) – instance of the Lang class, having a word2index dict.
  • sentence (str) – string to convert word for word to indexes, e.g. “The black cat is eating.”

tensor of indexes, terminated by the EOS token.

tensors_from_pair(pair, input_lang, output_lang)[source]

Creates a tuple of tensors of indexes from a pair of sentences.

  • pair (tuple) – input & output languages sentences
  • input_lang – instance of the Lang class, having a word2index dict, representing the input language.
  • output_lang – instance of the Lang class, having a word2index dict, representing the output language.

tuple of tensors of indexes.

tensors_from_pairs(pairs, input_lang, output_lang)[source]

Returns a list of tuples of tensors of indexes from a list of pairs of sentences. Uses tensors_from_pair().

  • pairs (list) – sentences pairs
  • input_lang – instance of the class Lang, having a word2index dict, representing the input language.
  • output_lang – instance of the class Lang, having a word2index dict, representing the output language.

list of tensors of indexes.

class miprometheus.problems.seq_to_seq.text2text.text_to_text_problem.Lang(name)[source]

Simple helper class allowing to represent a language in a translation task. It will contain for instance a vocabulary index (word2index dict) & keep track of the number of words in the language.

This class is useful as each word in a language will be represented as a one-hot vector: a giant vector of zeros except for a single one (at the index of the word). The dimension of this vector is potentially very high, hence it is generally useful to trim the data to only use a few thousand words per language.

The inputs and targets of the associated sequence to sequence networks will be sequences of indexes, each item representing a word. The attributes of this class (word2index, index2word, word2count) are useful to keep track of this.



Parameters:name – string to name the language (e.g. french, english)

Process a sentence using add_word().

Parameters:sentence (str) – sentence to be added to the language.

Add a word to the vocabulary set: update word2index, word2count, index2words & n_words.

Parameters:word (str) – word to be added.


class miprometheus.problems.TranslationAnki(params)[source]

Class generating sequences of indexes as inputs & targets for a English <-> Other Language translation task.


The inspiration for this class being an existing PyTorch tutorial, this class is limited.

It currently only supports the files located at http://www.manythings.org/anki/

It currently only supports latin alphabet for now (because of string normalization) and does not include advanced features like beam search or pretrained embeddings.

Take this class as an example and not as a production-ready application.


Initializes the problem: stores parameters. Calls parent class TextToTextProblem initialization.

Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).

Prepare the data for generating batches.

Uses filter_pairs() to normalize, trim & filter input sentences pairs. Also fills in Lang() instances for the input & output languages.

Returns:Lang() object for input & output languages + filtered sentences pairs.

Download the specified zip file from http://www.manythings.org/anki/. Notes: This website hosts data files for English -> other language translation: the main file is named after the other language.

Ex: for a English -> French translation, the main file is named ‘fra.txt’,

Ex: for a English -> German translation, the main file is named ‘deu.txt’ etc.


Indicate whether a sentence pair is compliant with some filtering criteria, such as:

  • The number of words (that includes ending punctuation) in the sentences,
  • The start of the input language sentence.
Parameters:p (list) – pair of sentences
Returns:True if the pair respects the filtering constraints else False.

Filter several pairs at once using filter_pair as a boolean mask.

Returns:list of filtered pairs.

Retrieves a sample from self.tensor_pairs and get the associated strings from self.pairs.

Parameters:index (int) – index of the sample to return.
Returns:DataDict({‘inputs’, ‘inputs_length’, ‘inputs_text’ ‘targets’, ‘targets_length’, ‘targets_text’}).

Combines a list of DataDict (retrieved with __getitem__) into a batch.


Because each tokenized sentence has a variable length, padding is necessary to create batches.

Hence, for a given batch, each sentence is padded to the length of the longest one.

The batch is sorted decreasingly as a function of the input sentences length.

This length changes between batches, but this shouldn’t be an issue.

Parameters:batch (list) – Individual samples to combine
Returns:DataDict({'inputs', 'inputs_length', 'inputs_text' 'targets', 'targets_length', 'targets_text'}) containing the batch.
plot_preprocessing(data_dict, logits)[source]

Does some preprocessing to logits to then plot the attention weights for the AttnEncoderDecoder model.


This function hasn’t been reviewed yet

  • data_dict – DataDict({‘sequences’, ‘sequences_length’, ‘targets’, ‘mask’, ‘inputs_text’, ‘outputs_text’}).
  • logits – prediction, shape [batch_size x max_seq_length x output_voc_size]

data_dict, + logits as dict {‘inputs_text’, ‘logits_text’}

VideoToClass Problems

class miprometheus.problems.VideoToClassProblem(params)[source]

Abstract base class for sequential vision problems.

Problem classes like Sequential MNIST inherits from it.

Provides some basic features useful in all problems of such type.


Initializes problem:

  • Calls problems.problem.Problem class constructor,

  • Sets loss function to CrossEntropy,

  • sets self.data_definitions to:

    >>> self.data_definitions = {'images': {'size': [-1, -1, 3, -1, -1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]},
    >>>                          'mask': {'size': [-1, -1, -1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]},
    >>>                          'targets': {'size': [-1, -1, 1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]},
    >>>                          'targets_label': {'size': [-1, 1], 'type': [list, str]}
    >>>                         }
Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).
calculate_accuracy(data_dict, logits)[source]

Calculates accuracy equal to mean number of correct classification in a given batch.


Applies a mask to the logits.

  • logits – Predictions of the model.
  • data_dict (DataDict) – DataDict containing the targets and the mask.


evaluate_loss(data_dict, logits)[source]

Computes loss.


Applies a mask to the logits.

  • logits – Predictions of the model.
  • data_dict (DataDict) – DataDict containing the targets and the mask.



Add accuracy statistic to StatisticsCollector.

collect_statistics(stat_col, data_dict, logits)[source]

Collects accuracy.

  • stat_colStatisticsCollector.
  • data_dict (DataDict) – DataDict containing the targets and the mask.
  • logits – Predictions of the model.
show_sample(data_dict, sample_number=0, sequence_number=0)[source]

Shows a sample from the batch.

  • data_dict (DataDict) – DataDict containing inputs and targets.
  • sample_number (int) – Number of sample in batch (default: 0)
  • sequence_number (int) – Which image in the sequence to display (default: 0)

Sequential MNIST

class miprometheus.problems.PermutedSequentialRowMnist(params)[source]

The Permuted MNIST is a sequence of classification tasks in which the rows of the input images are swapped with a random permutation.


The dataset is not originally split into a training set, validation set and test set; only training and test set. It is recommended to use a validation set.

torch.utils.data.SubsetRandomSampler is recommended.


Initializes PermutedSequentialRowMnist problem:

  • Calls problems.problem.VideoToClassProblem class constructor,

  • Sets following attributes using the provided params:

    • self.root_dir (string) : Root directory of dataset where processed/training.pt and processed/test.pt will be saved,

    • self.use_train_data (bool, optional) : If True, creates dataset from training.pt, otherwise from test.pt

    • self.defaut_values :

      >>> self.default_values = {'nb_classes': 10,
      >>>                        'num_channels': 1,
      >>>                        'width': 28,
      >>>                        'height': 28}
    • self.data_definitions :

      >>> self.data_definitions = {'images': {'size': [-1, 28, 1, 1, 28], 'type': [torch.Tensor]},
      >>>                          'mask': {'size': [-1, 28, 1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]},
      >>>                          'targets': {'size': [-1, 28, 1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]},
      >>>                          'targets_label': {'size': [-1, 1], 'type': [list, str]}
      >>>                         }
Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).

Getter method to access the dataset and return a sample.

Parameters:index (int) – index of the sample to return.
Returns:DataDict({'images','targets', 'targets_label'}), with:
  • images: Image,
  • mask,
  • targets: Index of the target class
  • targets_label: Label of the target class (cf self.labels)

Combines a list of DataDict (retrieved with __getitem__ ) into a batch.


This function wraps a call to default_collate and simply returns the batch as a DataDict instead of a dict. Multi-processing is supported as the data sources are small enough to be kept in memory (training.pt has a size of 47.5 MB).

Parameters:batch – list of individual DataDict samples to combine.
Returns:DataDict({'images','targets', 'targets_label'}) containing the batch.
class miprometheus.problems.SequentialPixelMNIST(params)[source]

The Sequential MNIST implies that the model does not get to see/generate the whole image at once (like for example a normal 2d-ConvNet would), but only one pixel at a time sequentially.


The dataset is not originally split into a training set, validation set and test set; only training and test set. It is recommended to use a validation set.

torch.utils.data.SubsetRandomSampler is recommended.


Initializes SequentialPixelMNIST problem:

  • Calls problems.problem.VideoToClassProblem class constructor,

  • Sets following attributes using the provided params:

    • self.root_dir (string) : Root directory of dataset where processed/training.pt and processed/test.pt will be saved,

    • self.use_train_data (bool, optional) : If True, creates dataset from training.pt, otherwise from test.pt

    • self.defaut_values :

      >>> self.default_values = {'nb_classes': 10,
      >>>                        'length': 28*28}
    • self.data_definitions :

      >>> self.data_definitions = {'images': {'size': [-1, 28*28, 1, 1, 1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]},
      >>>             'mask': {'size': [-1, 28*28, 1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]},
      >>>             'targets': {'size': [-1, 28*28, 1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]},
      >>>             'targets_label': {'size': [-1, 1], 'type': [list, str]}
      >>>             }
Parameters:params – Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration .yaml file).

Getter method to access the dataset and return a sample.

Parameters:index (int) – index of the sample to return.
Returns:DataDict({'images', 'mask', 'targets', 'targets_label'}), with:
  • images: sequence of ‘images’ in [batch size, sequence length, channels, x, y] format. Single pixels, so x == y == 1
  • mask
  • targets: Index of the target class

Combines a list of DataDict (retrieved with __getitem__ ) into a batch.


This function wraps a call to default_collate and simply returns the batch as a DataDict instead of a dict. Multi-processing is supported as the data sources are small enough to be kept in memory (training.pt has a size of 47.5 MB).

Parameters:batch – list of individual DataDict samples to combine.
Returns:DataDict({'sequences','targets', 'targets_label'}) containing the batch.