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#!/usr/bin/env python3
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simple_cnn: a simple Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) designed specifically to solve MNIST and CIFAR 10 dataset. \
 To be taken as an illustrative example.

__author__ = "Younes Bouhadjar & Vincent Marois"

import torch
import numpy as np
import torch.nn as nn

from miprometheus.models.model import Model

[docs]class SimpleConvNet(Model): """ A simple 2 layers CNN designed specifically to solve ``MNIST`` & ``CIFAR10`` datasets. \ The parameters here are not hardcoded so the user can adjust them for his application, \ and see their impact on the model's behavior. """
[docs] def __init__(self, params, problem_default_values_={}): """ Constructor of the ``SimpleConvNet``. \ The overall structure of this CNN is as follows: Conv1 -> MaxPool1 -> ReLu -> Conv2 -> MaxPool2 -> ReLu (-> flatten) -> Linear1 -> Linear2 -> Linear3 The parameters that the user can change are: - For Conv1 & Conv2: number of output channels, kernel size, stride and padding. - For MaxPool1 & MaxPool2: Kernel size - For Linear3: The number of classes is read from ``problem_default_values_``. The number of output nodes for \ Linear1 is set to 120, and Linear2 is fixed to 120 -> 84 for now. Linear3 is 84 -> nb_classes. .. note:: We are using the default values of ``dilatation``, ``groups`` & ``bias`` for ``nn.Conv2D``. Similarly for the ``stride``, ``padding``, ``dilatation``, ``return_indices`` & ``ceil_mode`` of \ ``nn.MaxPool2D``. The size of the images (width, height, number of channels) are read from ``problem_default_values_``. \ Also, it is possible that the images are padded (with 0s) by the ``Problem`` class. The padding values \ (e.g. [2,2,2,2]) should be indicated in ``problem_default_values_``, so that we can adjust the width & height. .. note:: The images will be upscaled to [224, 224] (which is the input size of AlexNet, so this would \ allow for comparison) if ``problem_default_values_['up_scaling']`` is ``True``. :param params: dict of parameters (read from configuration ``.yaml`` file). :type params: utils.ParamInterface :param problem_default_values_: default values coming from the ``Problem`` class. :type problem_default_values_: dict """ # call base constructor. super(SimpleConvNet, self).__init__(params, problem_default_values_) # retrieve the Conv1 parameters self.out_channels_conv1 = params['conv1']['out_channels'] self.kernel_size_conv1 = params['conv1']['kernel_size'] self.stride_conv1 = params['conv1']['stride'] self.padding_conv1 = params['conv1']['padding'] # retrieve the Conv2 parameters self.out_channels_conv2 = params['conv2']['out_channels'] self.kernel_size_conv2 = params['conv2']['kernel_size'] self.stride_conv2 = params['conv2']['stride'] self.padding_conv2 = params['conv2']['padding'] # retrieve the MaxPool1 parameter self.kernel_size_maxpool1 = params['maxpool1']['kernel_size'] # retrieve the MaxPool2 parameter self.kernel_size_maxpool2 = params['maxpool2']['kernel_size'] # model name = 'SimpleConvNet' # get image information from the problem class try: self.height = problem_default_values_['height'] self.width = problem_default_values_['width'] self.num_classes = problem_default_values_['num_classes'] self.num_channels = problem_default_values_['num_channels'] except KeyError: self.logger.warning("Couldn't retrieve one or more value(s) from problem_default_values") exit(-1) self.data_definitions = {'images': {'size': [-1, self.num_channels, self.height, self.width], 'type': [torch.Tensor]}, 'targets': {'size': [-1, 1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]} } # We can compute the spatial size of the output volume as a function of the input volume size (W), # the receptive field size of the Conv Layer neurons (F), the stride with which they are applied (S), # and the amount of zero padding used (P) on the border. # The corresponding equation is conv_size = ((W−F+2P)/S)+1. # doc for nn.Conv2D: # doc for nn.MaxPool2D: # Conv1 self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=self.num_channels, out_channels=self.out_channels_conv1, kernel_size=self.kernel_size_conv1, stride=self.stride_conv1, padding=self.padding_conv1, dilation=1, groups=1, bias=True) self.width_features_conv1 = np.floor( ((self.width - self.kernel_size_conv1 + 2*self.padding_conv1) / self.stride_conv1) + 1) self.height_features_conv1 = np.floor( ((self.height - self.kernel_size_conv1 + 2*self.padding_conv1) / self.stride_conv1) + 1) # ---------------------------------------------------- # MaxPool1 self.maxpool1 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=self.kernel_size_maxpool1) self.width_features_maxpool1 = np.floor( ((self.width_features_conv1 - self.maxpool1.kernel_size + 2 * self.maxpool1.padding) / self.maxpool1.stride) + 1) self.height_features_maxpool1 = np.floor( ((self.height_features_conv1 - self.maxpool1.kernel_size + 2 * self.maxpool1.padding) / self.maxpool1.stride) + 1) # ---------------------------------------------------- # Conv2 self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=self.out_channels_conv1, out_channels=self.out_channels_conv2, kernel_size=self.kernel_size_conv2, stride=self.stride_conv2, padding=self.padding_conv2, dilation=1, groups=1, bias=True) self.width_features_conv2 = np.floor( ((self.width_features_maxpool1 - self.kernel_size_conv2 + 2*self.padding_conv2) / self.stride_conv2) + 1) self.height_features_conv2 = np.floor( ((self.height_features_maxpool1 - self.kernel_size_conv2 + 2*self.padding_conv2) / self.stride_conv2) + 1) # ---------------------------------------------------- # MaxPool2 self.maxpool2 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=self.kernel_size_maxpool2) self.width_features_maxpool2 = np.floor( ((self.width_features_conv2 - self.maxpool2.kernel_size + 2 * self.maxpool2.padding) / self.maxpool2.stride) + 1) self.height_features_maxpool2 = np.floor( ((self.height_features_conv2 - self.maxpool2.kernel_size + 2 * self.maxpool2.padding) / self.maxpool2.stride) + 1) # ---------------------------------------------------- # Linear layers self.linear1 = nn.Linear(in_features=int(self.out_channels_conv2 * self.width_features_maxpool2 * self.height_features_maxpool2), out_features=120) self.linear2 = nn.Linear(in_features=120, out_features=84) self.linear3 = nn.Linear(in_features=84, out_features=self.num_classes) # log some info.'Computed output shape of each layer:')'Input: [N, {}, {}, {}]'.format(self.num_channels, self.width, self.height))'Conv1: [N, {}, {}, {}]'.format(self.out_channels_conv1, self.width_features_conv1, self.height_features_conv1))'MaxPool1: [N, {}, {}, {}]'.format(self.out_channels_conv1, self.width_features_maxpool1, self.height_features_maxpool1))'Conv2: [N, {}, {}, {}]'.format(self.out_channels_conv2, self.width_features_conv2, self.height_features_conv2))'MaxPool2: [N, {}, {}, {}]'.format(self.out_channels_conv2, self.width_features_maxpool2, self.height_features_maxpool2))'Flatten: [N, {}]'.format(self.out_channels_conv2 * self.width_features_maxpool2 * self.height_features_maxpool2))'Linear1: [N, {}]'.format(self.linear1.out_features))'Linear2: [N, {}]'.format(self.linear2.out_features))'Linear3: [N, {}]'.format(self.linear3.out_features)) if self.app_state.visualize: self.output_conv1 = [] self.output_conv2 = []
[docs] def forward(self, data_dict): """ forward pass of the ``SimpleConvNet`` model. :param data_dict: DataDict({'images','targets', 'targets_label'}), where: - images: [batch_size, num_channels, width, height], - targets [batch_size] :return: Predictions [batch_size, num_classes] """ # get images images = data_dict['images'] # apply Convolutional layer 1 out_conv1 = self.conv1(images) if self.app_state.visualize: self.output_conv1 = out_conv1 # apply max_pooling and relu out_maxpool1 = torch.nn.functional.relu(self.maxpool1(out_conv1)) # apply Convolutional layer 2 out_conv2 = self.conv2(out_maxpool1) if self.app_state.visualize: self.output_conv2 = out_conv2 # apply max_pooling and relu out_maxpool2 = torch.nn.functional.relu(self.maxpool2(out_conv2)) # flatten for the linear layers x = out_maxpool2.view(-1, int(self.out_channels_conv2 * self.width_features_maxpool2 * self.height_features_maxpool2)) # apply 3 linear layers x = torch.nn.functional.relu(self.linear1(x)) x = torch.nn.functional.relu(self.linear2(x)) x = self.linear3(x) return x
[docs] def plot(self, data_dict, predictions, sample_number=0): """ Simple plot - shows the ``Problem``'s images with the target & actual predicted class.\ :param data_dict: DataDict({'images','targets', 'targets_label'}) :type data_dict: utils.DataDict :param predictions: Predictions of the ``SimpleConvNet``. :type predictions: torch.tensor :param sample_number: Index of the sample in batch (DEFAULT: 0). :type sample_number: int """ # Check if we are supposed to visualize at all. if not self.app_state.visualize: return False import matplotlib # unpack data_dict images = data_dict['images'] targets = data_dict['targets'] # Get sample. image = images[sample_number].cpu().detach().numpy() target = targets[sample_number].cpu().detach().numpy() prediction = predictions[sample_number].cpu().detach().numpy() # Reshape image. if image.shape[0] == 1: # This is single channel image - get rid of that dimension image = np.squeeze(image, axis=0) else: # More channels - move channels to axis2 # (X : array_like, shape (n, m) or (n, m, 3) or (n, m, 4)) image = image.transpose(1, 2, 0) # Show data. matplotlib.pyplot.title('Prediction: Class # {} (Target: Class # {})'.format( np.argmax(prediction), target)) matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(image, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto') # Show the feature maps of Conv1 f1 = matplotlib.pyplot.figure() grid_size = int(np.sqrt(self.out_channels_conv1)) + 1 gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(grid_size, grid_size) for i in range(self.out_channels_conv1): ax = matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(gs[i]) ax.imshow(self.output_conv1[0, i].detach().numpy()) f1.suptitle('feature maps of Conv1') # Show the feature maps of Conv2 f2 = matplotlib.pyplot.figure() grid_size = int(np.sqrt(self.out_channels_conv2)) + 1 gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(grid_size, grid_size) for i in range(self.out_channels_conv2): ax = matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(gs[i]) ax.imshow(self.output_conv2[0, i].detach().numpy()) f2.suptitle('feature maps of Conv2') # Plot!
if __name__ == '__main__': # Set visualization. from miprometheus.utils.app_state import AppState AppState().visualize = True from miprometheus.utils.param_interface import ParamInterface from import DataLoader from miprometheus.problems.image_to_class.mnist import MNIST problem_params = ParamInterface() problem_params.add_config_params({'use_train_data': True, 'root_dir': '~/data/mnist', 'padding': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'up_scaling': False}) batch_size = 64 # create problem problem = MNIST(problem_params) print('Problem {} instantiated.'.format( # instantiate DataLoader object dataloader = DataLoader(problem, batch_size=batch_size, collate_fn=problem.collate_fn) # Test base model. from miprometheus.utils.param_interface import ParamInterface model_params = ParamInterface() model_params.add_config_params({'conv1': {'out_channels': 6, 'kernel_size': 5, 'stride': 1, 'padding': 0}, 'conv2': {'out_channels': 16, 'kernel_size': 5, 'stride': 1, 'padding': 0}, 'maxpool1': {'kernel_size': 2}, 'maxpool2': {'kernel_size': 2}}) # model model = SimpleConvNet(model_params, problem.default_values) print('Model {} instantiated.'.format( # perform handshaking between MAC & CLEVR model.handshake_definitions(problem.data_definitions) # generate a batch for i_batch, sample in enumerate(dataloader): print('Sample # {} - {}'.format(i_batch, sample['images'].shape), type(sample)) logits = model(sample) print(logits.shape) # Plot it and check whether window was closed or not. if model.plot(sample, logits): break