Source code for miprometheus.problems.seq_to_seq.vqa.vqa_problem

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) IBM Corporation 2018
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""" abstract base class for sequential VQA problems."""

__author__ = "Emre Sevgen"

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
from miprometheus.problems.seq_to_seq.seq_to_seq_problem import SeqToSeqProblem

[docs]class VQAProblem(SeqToSeqProblem): """ Abstract base class for sequential VQA problems. COG inherits from it (for now). Provides some basic features useful in all problems of such type. """
[docs] def __init__(self, params): # Should 'questions' be [-1, 1] or [-1, -1, 1], as in an entry for each member of a sequence? """ Initializes problem: - Calls :py:class:`miprometheus.problems.SeqToSeqProblem` class constructor, - Sets loss function to :py:class:`torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss`, - Sets ``self.data_definitions`` to: >>> self.data_definitions = {'images': {'size': [-1, -1, 3, -1, -1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]}, >>> 'mask': {'size': [-1, -1, 1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]}, >>> 'questions' {'size': [-1, 1], 'type': [list, str]}, >>> 'targets': {'size': [-1, -1, 1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]}, >>> 'targets_label': {'size': [-1, 1], 'type': [list, str]} >>> } :param params: Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration ``.yaml`` file). :type params: :py:class:`miprometheus.utils.ParamInterface` """ super(VQAProblem, self).__init__(params) # Set default loss function to cross entropy. self.loss_function = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() # Set default data_definitions dict # Should 'questions' be [-1, 1] or [-1, -1, 1], as in an entry for each member of a sequence? self.data_definitions = {'images': {'size': [-1, -1, 3, -1, -1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]}, 'mask': {'size': [-1, -1, 1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]}, 'questions': {'size': [-1, -1, 1], 'type': [list, str]}, 'targets': {'size': [-1, -1, 1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]}, 'targets_label': {'size': [-1, 1], 'type': [list, str]}} # Default problem name. = 'VQAProblem'
[docs] def show_sample(self, data_dict, sample_number=0, sequence_number=0): """ Shows a sample from the batch. :param data_dict: ``DataDict`` containing inputs and targets. :type data_dict: :py:class:`miprometheus.utils.DataDict` :param sample_number: Number of sample in batch (default: 0) :type sample_number: int :param sequence_number: Which image in the sequence to display (default: 0) :type sequence_number: int """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Unpack dict. images = data_dict['images'] targets = data_dict['targets'] labels = data_dict['targets_label'] questions = data_dict['questions'] # Get sample. images = images[sample_number].cpu().detach().numpy() targets = targets[sample_number].cpu().detach().numpy() labels = labels[sample_number] question = questions[sample_number] # Get image and label in sequence. image = images[sequence_number] target = targets[sequence_number] label = labels[sequence_number] # Reshape image. if image.shape[0] == 1: # This is a single channel image - get rid of this dimension image = np.squeeze(image, axis=0) else: # More channels - move channels to axis2, according to matplotilb documentation. # (X : array_like, shape (n, m) or (n, m, 3) or (n, m, 4)) image = image.transpose(1, 2, 0) # show data. plt.xlabel('num_columns') plt.ylabel('num_rows') plt.title('Target: {} ({}), {}th in Sequence, Question: {}'.format(label, target, sequence_number, question)) plt.imshow(image, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto') # Plot!
if __name__ == '__main__': from miprometheus.utils.param_interface import ParamInterface sample = VQAProblem(ParamInterface())[0] print(repr(sample))