Source code for miprometheus.problems.seq_to_seq.vqa.cog.cog

 #!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# Copyright (C) IBM Corporation 2018
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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""" Implementation of Google's COG dataset."""

__author__ = "Emre Sevgen"

import torch
import gzip
import json
import os
import tarfile
import numpy as np

from miprometheus.problems.seq_to_seq.vqa.vqa_problem import VQAProblem
from miprometheus.problems.seq_to_seq.vqa.cog.cog_utils import json_to_img as jti

[docs]class COG(VQAProblem): """ The COG dataset is a sequential VQA dataset. Inputs are a sequence of images of simple shapes and characters on a black background, \ and a question based on these objects that relies on memory which has to be answered at every step of the sequence. See (`A Dataset and Architecture for Visual Reasoning with a Working Memory`)\ for the reference paper. """
[docs] def __init__(self, params): """ Initializes the :py:class:`COG` problem: - Calls :py:class:`miprometheus.problems.VQAProblem` class constructor, - Sets the following attributes using the provided ``params``: - ``self.data_folder`` (`string`) : Data directory where the dataset is stored. - ``self.set`` (`string`) : 'val', 'test', or 'train' - ``self.tasks`` (`string` or list of `string`) : Which tasks to use. 'class', 'reg', \ 'all', or a list of tasks such as ['AndCompareColor', 'AndCompareShape']. \ Only the selected tasks will be used. - ``self.dataset_type`` (`string`) : Which dataset to use, 'canonical', 'hard', or \ 'generated'. If 'generated', please specify 'examples_per_task', 'sequence_length', \ 'memory_length', and 'max_distractors' under 'generation'. Can also specify 'nr_processors' for generation. - Adds the following as default params: >>> {'data_folder': os.path.expanduser('~/data/cog'), >>> 'set': 'train', >>> 'tasks': 'class', >>> 'dataset_type': 'canonical', >>> 'initialization_only': False} - Sets: >>> self.data_definitions = {'images': {'size': [-1, self.sequence_length, 3, self.img_size, self.img_size], 'type': [torch.Tensor]}, >>> 'tasks': {'size': [-1, 1], 'type': [list, str]}, >>> 'questions': {'size': [-1, 1], 'type': [list, str]}, >>> 'targets_reg': {'size': [-1, self.sequence_length, 2], 'type': [torch.Tensor]}, >>> 'targets_class': {'size': [-1, self.sequence_length, 1], 'type' : [list,str]} >>> } :param params: Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration ``.yaml`` file). :type params: :py:class:`miprometheus.utils.ParamInterface` """ # Call base class constructors super(COG, self).__init__(params) # Set default parameters. self.params.add_default_params({'data_folder': os.path.expanduser('~/data/cog'), 'set': 'train', 'tasks': 'class', 'dataset_type': 'canonical', 'initialization_only': False}) # Retrieve parameters from the dictionary # Data folder main is /path/cog # Data folder parent is data_X_Y_Z # Data folder children are train_X_Y_Z, test_X_Y_Z, or val_X_Y_Z self.data_folder_main = os.path.expanduser(params['data_folder']) self.set = params['set'] assert self.set in ['val', 'test', 'train'], "set in configuration file must be one of 'val', 'test', or " \ "'train', got {}".format(self.set) self.dataset_type = params['dataset_type'] assert self.dataset_type in ['canonical', 'hard', 'generated'], "dataset in configuration file must be one of " \ "'canonical', 'hard', or 'generated', got {}".format(self.dataset_type) # Parse task and dataset_type self.parse_tasks_and_dataset_type(params) # Name = 'COG' # Get the "hardcoded" image width/height. self.img_size = 112 # self.params['img_size'] # Set default values self.default_values = {'height': self.img_size, 'width': self.img_size, 'num_channels': 3, 'sequence_length' : self.sequence_length} # Set data dictionary based on parsed dataset type self.data_definitions = {'images': {'size': [-1, self.sequence_length, 3, self.img_size, self.img_size], 'type': [torch.Tensor]}, 'tasks': {'size': [-1, 1], 'type': [list, str]}, 'questions': {'size': [-1, 1], 'type': [list, str]}, 'targets_reg': {'size': [-1, self.sequence_length, 2], 'type': [torch.Tensor]}, 'targets_class': {'size': [-1, self.sequence_length, 1], 'type' : [list,str]} } # Check if dataset exists, download or generate if necessary. self.source_dataset() if not params['initialization_only']: # Load all the .jsons, but image generation is done in __getitem__ self.dataset = {} for task in self.tasks: self.dataset[task] = [] self.length = 0"Loading dataset as json into memory.") # Val and Test are not shuffled if self.set == 'val' or self.set == 'test': for tasklist in os.listdir(self.data_folder_child): if tasklist[4:-8] in self.tasks: with,tasklist)) as f: fulltask ='utf-8').split('\n') for datapoint in fulltask: self.dataset[tasklist[4:-8]].append(json.loads(datapoint)) self.length = self.length + len(self.dataset[tasklist[4:-8]])"{} task examples loaded.".format(tasklist[4:-8])) else:"Skipped loading {} task.".format(tasklist[4:-8])) # Training set is shuffled elif self.set == 'train': for zipfile in os.listdir(self.data_folder_child): with,zipfile)) as f: fullzip ='utf-8').split('\n') for datapoint in fullzip: task = json.loads(datapoint) if task['family'] in self.tasks: self.dataset[task['family']].append(task) self.length = self.length + 1"Zip file {} loaded.".format(zipfile)) else:"COG initialization complete.") exit(0)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index): """ Getter method to access the dataset and return a sample. :param index: index of the sample to return. :type index: int :return: ``DataDict({'images', 'questions', 'targets', 'targets_label'})``, with: - ``images``: Sequence of images, - ``tasks``: Which task family sample belongs to, - ``questions``: Question on the sequence (this is constant per sequence for COG), - ``targets_reg``: Sequence of targets as tuple of floats for pointing tasks, - ``targets_class``: Sequence of word targets for classification tasks. """ # With the assumption that each family has the same number of examples i = index % len(self.tasks) j = int(index / len(self.tasks)) # This returns: # All variables are numpy array of float32 # in_imgs: (n_epoch*batch_size, img_size, img_size, 3) # in_rule: (max_seq_length, batch_size) the rule language input, type int32 # seq_length: (batch_size,) the length of each task instruction # out_pnt: (n_epoch*batch_size, n_out_pnt) # out_pnt_xy: (n_epoch*batch_size, 2) # out_word: (n_epoch*batch_size, n_out_word) # mask_pnt: (n_epoch*batch_size) # mask_word: (n_epoch*batch_size) output = jti.json_to_feeds([self.dataset[self.tasks[i]][j]])[0] images = ((torch.from_numpy(output)).permute(1, 0, 4, 2, 3)).squeeze() data_dict = self.create_data_dict() data_dict['images'] = images data_dict['tasks'] = [self.tasks[i]] data_dict['questions'] = [self.dataset[self.tasks[i]][j]['question']] answers = self.dataset[self.tasks[i]][j]['answers'] if self.tasks[i] in self.classification_tasks: data_dict['targets_reg'] = torch.FloatTensor([0, 0]).expand(self.sequence_length,2) data_dict['targets_class'] = answers else: data_dict['targets_reg'] = torch.FloatTensor([[-1, -1] if reg == 'invalid' else reg for reg in answers]) data_dict['targets_class'] = [' ' for _ in answers] return data_dict
[docs] def collate_fn(self, batch): """ Combines a list of :py:class:`miprometheus.utils.DataDict` (retrieved with :py:func:`__getitem__`) into a batch. :param batch: individual :py:class:`miprometheus.utils.DataDict` samples to combine. :type batch: list :return: ``DataDict({'images', 'tasks', 'questions', 'targets_reg', 'targets_class'})`` containing the batch. """ data_dict = self.create_data_dict() data_dict['images'] = torch.stack([image['images'] for image in batch]).type(torch.FloatTensor) data_dict['tasks'] = [task['tasks'] for task in batch] data_dict['questions'] = [question['questions'] for question in batch] data_dict['targets_reg'] = torch.stack([reg['targets_reg'] for reg in batch]).type(torch.FloatTensor) data_dict['targets_class'] = [tgclassif['targets_class'] for tgclassif in batch] return data_dict
[docs] def parse_tasks_and_dataset_type(self, params): """ Parses the task list and dataset type. Then sets folder paths to appropriate values. :param params: Dictionary of parameters (read from the configuration ``.yaml`` file). :type params: :py:class:`miprometheus.utils.ParamInterface` """ self.classification_tasks = ['AndCompareColor', 'AndCompareShape', 'AndSimpleCompareColor', 'AndSimpleCompareShape', 'CompareColor', 'CompareShape', 'Exist', 'ExistColor', 'ExistColorOf', 'ExistColorSpace', 'ExistLastColorSameShape', 'ExistLastObjectSameObject', 'ExistLastShapeSameColor', 'ExistShape', 'ExistShapeOf', 'ExistShapeSpace', 'ExistSpace', 'GetColor', 'GetColorSpace', 'GetShape', 'GetShapeSpace', 'SimpleCompareColor', 'SimpleCompareShape'] self.regression_tasks = ['AndSimpleExistColorGo', 'AndSimpleExistGo', 'AndSimpleExistShapeGo', 'CompareColorGo', 'CompareShapeGo', 'ExistColorGo', 'ExistColorSpaceGo', 'ExistGo', 'ExistShapeGo', 'ExistShapeSpaceGo', 'ExistSpaceGo', 'Go', 'GoColor', 'GoColorOf', 'GoShape', 'GoShapeOf', 'SimpleCompareColorGo', 'SimpleCompareShapeGo', 'SimpleExistColorGo', 'SimpleExistGo','SimpleExistShapeGo'] self.tasks = params['tasks'] if self.tasks == 'class': self.tasks = self.classification_tasks elif self.tasks == 'reg': self.tasks = self.regression_tasks elif self.tasks == 'all': self.tasks = self.classification_tasks + self.regression_tasks # If loading a default dataset, set default path names and set sequence length if self.dataset_type == 'canonical': self.examples_per_task = 227280 self.sequence_length = 4 self.memory_length = 3 self.max_distractors = 1 elif self.dataset_type == 'hard': self.examples_per_task = 227280 self.sequence_length = 8 self.memory_length = 7 self.max_distractors = 10 elif self.dataset_type == 'generated': self.params.add_default_params({'generation':{'nr_processors':1}}) try: self.examples_per_task = int(params['generation']['examples_per_task']) self.sequence_length = int(params['generation']['sequence_length']) self.memory_length = int(params['generation']['memory_length']) self.max_distractors = int(params['generation']['max_distractors']) self.nr_processors = int(params['generation']['nr_processors']) except KeyError:"Please specify examples per task, sequence length, memory length and maximum distractors " "for a generated dataset under 'dataset_type'.") exit(1) except ValueError:"Examples per task, sequence length, memory length, maximum distractors and nr_processors " "(if provided) must be of type int.") exit(2) self.dataset_name = str(self.sequence_length)+'_'+str(self.memory_length)+'_'+str(self.max_distractors) self.data_folder_parent = os.path.join(self.data_folder_main,'data_'+self.dataset_name) self.data_folder_child = os.path.join(self.data_folder_parent,self.set+'_'+self.dataset_name)
[docs] def source_dataset(self): """ Handles downloading and unzipping the canonical or hard version of the dataset. """ if self.dataset_type == 'canonical': = self.CheckAndDownload(self.data_folder_child, '') elif self.dataset_type == 'hard': = self.CheckAndDownload(self.data_folder_child, '') if'\nDownload complete. Extracting...') tar ='~/data/downloaded')) tar.extractall(path=self.data_folder_main) tar.close()'\nDone! Cleaning up.') os.remove(os.path.expanduser('~/data/downloaded'))'\nClean-up complete! Dataset ready.') else: = self.check_and_download(self.data_folder_child) if from miprometheus.problems.seq_to_seq.vqa.cog.cog_utils import generate_dataset generate_dataset.main(self.data_folder_parent, self.examples_per_task, self.sequence_length, self.memory_length, self.max_distractors, self.nr_processors)'\nDataset generation complete for {}!'.format(self.dataset_name))
[docs] def add_statistics(self, stat_col): """ Add :py:class:`COG`-specific stats to :py:class:`miprometheus.utils.StatisticsCollector`. :param stat_col: :py:class:`miprometheus.utils.StatisticsCollector`. """ stat_col.add_statistic('seq_len', '{:06d}') stat_col.add_statistic('max_mem', '{:06d}') stat_col.add_statistic('max_distractors', '{:06d}') stat_col.add_statistic('task', '{}')
[docs] def collect_statistics(self, stat_col, data_dict, logits): """ Collects dataset details. :param stat_col: :py:class:`miprometheus.utils.StatisticsCollector`. :param data_dict: :py:class:`miprometheus.utils.DataDict` containing targets. :param logits: Prediction of the model (:py:class:`torch.Tensor`) """ stat_col['seq_len'] = self.sequence_length stat_col['max_mem'] = self.memory_length stat_col['max_distractors'] = self.max_distractors stat_col['task'] = data_dict['tasks']
if __name__ == "__main__": """ Unit test that checks data dimensions match expected values, and generates an image. Checks one regression and one classification task. """ # Test parameters batch_size = 44 sequence_nr = 1 # Timing test parameters timing_test = True testbatches = 100 # ------------------------- # Define useful params from miprometheus.utils.param_interface import ParamInterface params = ParamInterface() tasks = ['Go', 'CompareColor'] params.add_config_params({'data_folder': os.path.expanduser('~/data/cog'), 'set': 'val', 'dataset_type': 'canonical', 'tasks': tasks}) # Create problem - task Go cog_dataset = COG(params) # Get a sample - Go sample = cog_dataset[0] print(repr(sample)) # Test whether data structures match expected definitions assert sample['images'].shape == torch.ones((4, 3, 112, 112)).shape assert sample['tasks'] == ['Go'] assert sample['questions'] == ['point now beige u'] assert sample['targets_reg'].shape == torch.ones((4, 2)).shape assert len(sample['targets_class']) == 4 assert sample['targets_class'][0] == ' ' # Get another sample - CompareColor sample2 = cog_dataset[1] print(repr(sample2)) # Test whether data structures match expected definitions assert sample2['images'].shape == torch.ones((4, 3, 112, 112)).shape assert sample2['tasks'] == ['CompareColor'] assert sample2['questions'] == ['color of latest g equal color of last1 v ?'] assert sample2['targets_reg'].shape == torch.ones((4, 2)).shape assert len(sample2['targets_class']) == 4 assert sample2['targets_class'][0] == 'invalid' print('__getitem__ works') # Set up Dataloader iterator from import DataLoader dataloader = DataLoader(dataset=cog_dataset, collate_fn=cog_dataset.collate_fn, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=8) # Display single sample (0) from batch. batch = next(iter(dataloader)) # Test whether batches are formed correctly assert batch['images'].shape == torch.ones((batch_size,4,3,112,112)).shape assert len(batch['tasks']) == batch_size assert len(batch['questions']) == batch_size assert batch['targets_reg'].shape == torch.ones((batch_size,4,2)).shape assert len(batch['targets_class']) == batch_size assert len(batch['targets_class'][0]) == 4 # VQA expects 'targets', so change 'targets_class' to 'targets' # Implement a data_dict.pop later. batch['targets'] = batch['targets_reg'] batch['targets_label'] = batch['targets_class'] # Convert image to uint8 batch['images'] = batch['images']/(np.iinfo(np.uint16).max)*255 # Show sample - Task 1 cog_dataset.show_sample(batch,0,sequence_nr) # Show sample - Task 2 cog_dataset.show_sample(batch,1,sequence_nr) print('Unit test completed') if timing_test: # Test speed of generating images vs preloading generated images. import time # Define params to load entire dataset - all tasks included params = ParamInterface() params.add_config_params({ 'data_folder': '~/data/cog/', 'set': 'val', 'dataset_type': 'canonical', 'tasks': 'all'}) preload = time.time() full_cog_canonical = COG(params) postload = time.time() dataloader = DataLoader(dataset=full_cog_canonical, collate_fn=full_cog_canonical.collate_fn, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=8) prebatch = time.time() for i, batch in enumerate(dataloader): if i == testbatches: break if i% 100 == 0: print('Batch # {} - {}'.format(i, type(batch))) postbatch = time.time() print('Number of workers: {}'.format(dataloader.num_workers)) print('Time taken to load the dataset: {}s'.format(postload - preload)) print('Time taken to exhaust {} batches for a batch size of {} with image generation: {}s'.format(testbatches, batch_size, postbatch-prebatch)) # Test pregeneration and loading for i, batch in enumerate(dataloader): if i == testbatches: print('Finished saving {} batches'.format(testbatches)) break if not os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser('~/data/cogtest')): os.makedirs(os.path.expanduser('~/data/cogtest'))'~/data/cogtest/'+str(i)),batch['images']) preload = time.time() for i in range(testbatches): mockload = np.fromfile(os.path.expanduser('~/data/cogtest/'+str(i)+'.npy')) postload = time.time() print('Generation time for {} batches: {}, Load time for {} batches: {}'.format(testbatches, postbatch-prebatch, testbatches, postload-preload)) print('Timing test completed, removing files.') for i in range(testbatches): os.remove(os.path.expanduser('~/data/cogtest/'+str(i)+'.npy')) print('Done!')