Source code for miprometheus.problems.seq_to_seq.algorithmic.recall.scratch_pad_cl

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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""" contains code of scratch recall data generation
__author__ = "Younes Bouhadjar, Vincent Marois, Tomasz Kornuta"

import torch
import numpy as np
from miprometheus.problems.seq_to_seq.algorithmic.algorithmic_seq_to_seq_problem import AlgorithmicSeqToSeqProblem

[docs]class ScratchPadCommandLines(AlgorithmicSeqToSeqProblem): """ Class generating sequences of random bit-patterns and targets forcing the system to learn the scratch pad problem (overwriting the memory). Minor modification I: the target contains may contain random command lines. """
[docs] def __init__(self, params): """ Constructor - stores parameters. Calls parent class ``AlgorithmicSeqToSeqProblem``\ initialization. :param params: Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration ``.yaml`` file). """ # Set default number of bits for a given problem. # This has to be done before calling base class constructor! params.add_default_params({ 'control_bits': 2, 'data_bits': 8 }) # Call parent constructor - sets e.g. the loss function, dtype. # Additionally it extracts "standard" list of parameters for # algorithmic tasks, like batch_size, numbers of bits, sequences etc. super(ScratchPadCommandLines, self).__init__(params) = 'ScratchPadCommandLines' assert self.control_bits >= 2, "Problem requires at least 2 control bits (currently %r)" % self.control_bits assert self.data_bits >= 1, "Problem requires at least 1 data bit (currently %r)" % self.data_bits # Number of subsequences. self.num_subseq_min = params["num_subseq_min"] self.num_subseq_max = params["num_subseq_max"]
[docs] def generate_batch(self, batch_size): """ Generates a batch of samples of size ''batch_size'' on-the-fly. .. note:: The sequence length is drawn randomly between ``self.min_sequence_length`` and \ ``self.max_sequence_length``. .. warning:: All the samples within the batch will have the same sequence lengt. :param batch_size: Size of the batch to be returned. :return: DataDict({'sequences', 'sequences_length', 'targets', 'masks', 'num_subsequences'}), with: - sequences: [BATCH_SIZE, SEQ_LENGTH, CONTROL_BITS+DATA_BITS], - sequences_length: [BATCH_SIZE] (random value between self.min_sequence_length and self.max_sequence_length) - targets: [BATCH_SIZE, SEQ_LENGTH, DATA_BITS], - masks: [BATCH_SIZE, SEQ_LENGTH, 1] - num_subsequences: [BATCH_SIZE, 1] (number of subsequences) """ # Store marker. ctrl_store = np.zeros(self.control_bits) ctrl_store[self.store_bit] = 1 # [1, 0, 0] # Recall marker. ctrl_recall = np.zeros(self.control_bits) ctrl_recall[self.recall_bit] = 1 # [0, 1, 0] # Empty data marker. ctrl_data = np.zeros(self.control_bits) # [0, 0] # Define control lines. ctrl_aux = np.zeros(self.control_bits) if self.use_control_lines: if self.control_bits >= 3: if self.randomize_control_lines: # Randomly pick one of the bits to be set. ctrl_bit = np.random.randint(2, self.control_bits) ctrl_aux[ctrl_bit] = 1 else: # Set last. ctrl_aux[self.control_bits - 1] = 1 # Else: no control lines! # assign markers markers = ctrl_data, ctrl_store, ctrl_data # number sub sequences num_sub_seq = np.random.randint(self.num_subseq_min, self.num_subseq_max + 1) # set the sequence length of each marker seq_lengths = np.random.randint(low=self.min_sequence_length, high=self.max_sequence_length + 1, size=num_sub_seq) # generate subsequences for x and y x = [np.random.binomial(1, self.bias, (batch_size, n, self.data_bits)) for n in seq_lengths] # create the target seq_length_tdummies = sum(seq_lengths) + seq_lengths.shape[0] + 1 dummies_target = np.zeros([batch_size, seq_length_tdummies, self.data_bits], dtype=np.float32) targets = np.concatenate((dummies_target, x[-1]), axis=1) # data of x and dummies xx = [self.augment(seq, markers, ctrl_start=ctrl_store, add_marker_data=True, add_marker_dummy=False) for seq in x] # data of x data_1 = [arr for a in xx for arr in a[:-1]] # this is a marker between sub sequence x and dummies inter_seq = self.add_ctrl(np.zeros((batch_size, 1, self.data_bits)), ctrl_recall, ctrl_data) # dummies of x data_2 = [xx[-1][-1]] # concatenate all parts of the inputs inputs = np.concatenate(data_1 + [inter_seq] + data_2, axis=1) # Set control lines for recall items. inputs[:, inputs.shape[1]-seq_lengths[-1]:,0:self.control_bits] = np.tile( ctrl_aux,(batch_size,seq_lengths[-1],1)) # Generate 3D ByteTensor for mask. ptmasks = torch.zeros([batch_size, inputs.shape[1], 1]).type(torch.ByteTensor) ptmasks[:, inputs.shape[1]-seq_lengths[-1]:, 0] = 1 # Return data_dict. data_dict = self.create_data_dict() data_dict['sequences'] = torch.from_numpy(inputs).type(self.app_state.dtype) data_dict['targets'] = torch.from_numpy(targets).type(self.app_state.dtype) data_dict['masks'] = ptmasks data_dict['sequences_length'] = torch.ones([batch_size, 1]).type(torch.CharTensor) * max(seq_lengths).item() data_dict['num_subsequences'] = torch.ones([batch_size, 1]).type(torch.CharTensor) * num_sub_seq return data_dict
if __name__ == "__main__": """ Tests sequence generator - generates and displays a random sample""" # "Loaded parameters". from miprometheus.utils.param_interface import ParamInterface params = ParamInterface() params.add_config_params({#'control_bits': 4, #'data_bits': 8, 'min_sequence_length': 1, 'max_sequence_length': 10, 'num_subseq_min': 2, 'num_subseq_max': 4}) batch_size = 10 # Create problem object. scratchpad = ScratchPad(params) # get a sample sample = scratchpad[0] print(repr(sample)) print('__getitem__ works.') # wrap DataLoader on top from import DataLoader problem = DataLoader(dataset=scratchpad, batch_size=batch_size, collate_fn=scratchpad.collate_fn, shuffle=False, num_workers=0) # generate a batch import time s = time.time() for i, batch in enumerate(problem): #print('Batch # {} - {}'.format(i, type(batch))) pass print('Number of workers: {}'.format(problem.num_workers)) print('time taken to exhaust a dataset of size {}, with a batch size of {}: {}s' .format(scratchpad.__len__(), batch_size, time.time() - s)) # Display single sample (0) from batch. batch = next(iter(problem)) scratchpad.show_sample(batch, 0) print('Unit test completed.')