Source code for miprometheus.problems.image_to_class.mnist

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) IBM Corporation 2018
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""" contains code for loading the `MNIST` dataset using ``torchvision``.
__author__ = "Younes Bouhadjar & Vincent Marois"

import os
import torch
from torchvision import datasets, transforms

from miprometheus.utils.data_dict import DataDict
from miprometheus.problems.image_to_class.image_to_class_problem import ImageToClassProblem

[docs]class MNIST(ImageToClassProblem): """ Classic MNIST classification problem. Please see reference here: .. warning:: The dataset is not originally split into a training set, validation set and test set; only\ training and test set. It is recommended to use a validation set. ```` is recommended. """
[docs] def __init__(self, params_): """ Initializes MNIST problem: - Calls ``problems.problem.ImageToClassProblem`` class constructor, - Sets following attributes using the provided ``params``: - ``self.data_folder`` (`string`) : Root directory of dataset where ``processed/``\ and ``processed/`` will be saved, - ``self.use_train_data`` (`bool`, `optional`) : If True, creates dataset from ````,\ otherwise from ```` - ``self.resize`` : (optional) resize the images to `[h, w]` if set, - ``self.defaut_values`` : >>> self.default_values = {'num_classes': 10, >>> 'num_channels': 1, >>> 'width': self.width, # (DEFAULT: 28) >>> 'height': self.height} # (DEFAULT: 28) - ``self.data_definitions`` : >>> self.data_definitions = {'images': {'size': [-1, 1, self.height, self.width], 'type': [torch.Tensor]}, >>> 'targets': {'size': [-1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]}, >>> 'targets_label': {'size': [-1, 1], 'type': [list, str]} >>> } .. warning:: Resizing images might cause a significant slow down in batch generation. .. note:: The following is set by default: >>> self.params.add_default_params({'data_folder': '~/data/mnist', >>> 'use_train_data': True}) :param params_: Dictionary of parameters (read from configuration ``.yaml`` file). """ # Call base class constructors. super(MNIST, self).__init__(params_, 'MNIST') # Set default parameters. self.params.add_default_params({'data_folder': '~/data/mnist', 'use_train_data': True }) # Get absolute path. data_folder = os.path.expanduser(self.params['data_folder']) # Retrieve parameters from the dictionary. self.use_train_data = self.params['use_train_data'] # Add transformations depending on the resizing option. if 'resize' in self.params: # Check the desired size. if len(self.params['resize']) != 2: self.logger.error("'resize' field must contain 2 values: the desired height and width") exit(-1) # Output image dimensions. self.height = self.params['resize'][0] self.width = self.params['resize'][1] self.num_channels = 1 # Up-scale and transform to tensors. transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.Resize((self.height, self.width)), transforms.ToTensor()]) self.logger.warning('Upscaling the images to [{}, {}]. Slows down batch generation.'.format( self.width, self.height)) else: # Default MNIST settings. self.width = 28 self.height = 28 self.num_channels = 1 # Simply turn to tensor. transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor()]) # Define the default_values dict: holds parameters values that a model may need. self.default_values = {'num_classes': 10, 'num_channels': self.num_channels, 'width': self.width, 'height': self.height} self.data_definitions = {'images': {'size': [-1, self.num_channels, self.height, self.width], 'type': [torch.Tensor]}, 'targets': {'size': [-1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]}, 'targets_label': {'size': [-1, 1], 'type': [list, str]} } # load the dataset self.dataset = datasets.MNIST(root=data_folder, train=self.use_train_data, download=True, transform=transform) # Set length. self.length = len(self.dataset) # Class names. self.labels = 'Zero One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine'.split(' ')
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index): """ Getter method to access the dataset and return a sample. :param index: index of the sample to return. :type index: int :return: ``DataDict({'images','targets', 'targets_label'})``, with: - images: Image, resized if ``self.resize`` is set, - targets: Index of the target class - targets_label: Label of the target class (cf ``self.labels``) """ # Get image and target. img, target = self.dataset.__getitem__(index) # Digit label. label = self.labels[] # Return data_dict. data_dict = self.create_data_dict() data_dict['images'] = img data_dict['targets'] = target data_dict['targets_label'] = label return data_dict
[docs] def collate_fn(self, batch): """ Combines a list of ``DataDict`` (retrieved with ``__getitem__`` ) into a batch. .. note:: This function wraps a call to ``default_collate`` and simply returns the batch as a ``DataDict``\ instead of a dict. Multi-processing is supported as the data sources are small enough to be kept in memory\ (`` has a size of 47.5 MB). :param batch: list of individual ``DataDict`` samples to combine. :return: ``DataDict({'images','targets', 'targets_label'})`` containing the batch. """ return DataDict({key: value for key, value in zip(self.data_definitions.keys(), super(MNIST, self).collate_fn(batch).values())})
if __name__ == "__main__": """ Tests sequence generator - generates and displays a random sample""" # Load parameters. from miprometheus.utils.param_interface import ParamInterface params = ParamInterface() # using the default values # Test different options. params.add_config_params({'data_folder': '~/data/mnist', 'use_train_data': True, 'resize': [32, 32] }) batch_size = 64 # Create problem. mnist = MNIST(params) # get a sample sample = mnist[10] print(type(sample)) print('__getitem__ works.') # wrap DataLoader on top of this Dataset subclass from import DataLoader dataloader = DataLoader(dataset=mnist, collate_fn=mnist.collate_fn, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=0) # try to see if there is a speed up when generating batches w/ multiple workers import time s = time.time() for i, batch in enumerate(dataloader): print('Batch # {} - {}'.format(i, type(batch))) print('Number of workers: {}'.format(dataloader.num_workers)) print('time taken to exhaust the dataset for a batch size of {}: {}s'.format(batch_size, time.time()-s)) # Display single sample (0) from batch. batch = next(iter(dataloader)) mnist.show_sample(batch, 0) print('Unit test completed')