Source code for miprometheus.models.model

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) IBM Corporation 2018
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""" contains base abstract model class. All models should subclass it.

__author__ = "Tomasz Kornuta & Vincent Marois"

import torch
import logging
import numpy as np
from torch.nn import Module
from datetime import datetime
from abc import abstractmethod

from miprometheus.utils.app_state import AppState

[docs]class Model(Module): """ Class representing base class for all Models. Inherits from :py:class:`torch.nn.Module` as all subclasses will represent a trainable model. Hence, all subclasses should override the ``forward`` function. Implements features & attributes used by all subclasses. """
[docs] def __init__(self, params, problem_default_values_={}): """ Initializes a Model object. :param params: Parameters read from configuration file. :type params: ``miprometheus.utils.ParamInterface`` :param problem_default_values_: dict of parameters values coming from the problem class. One example of such \ parameter value is the size of the vocabulary set in a translation problem. :type problem_default_values_: dict This constructor: - stores a pointer to ``params``: >>> self.params = params - sets a default problem name: >>> = 'Model' - initializes the logger. >>> self.logger = logging.Logger( - tries to parse the values coming from ``problem_default_values_``: >>> try: >>> for key in problem_default_values_.keys(): >>> self.params.add_custom_params({key: problem_default_values_[key]}) >>> except BaseException: >>>'No parameter value was parsed from problem_default_values_') - initializes the data definitions: .. note:: This dict contains information about the expected inputs and produced outputs of the current model class. This object will be used during handshaking between the model and the problem class to ensure that the model can accept the batches produced by the problem and that the problem can accept the predictions of the model to compute the loss and accuracy. This dict should be defined using self.params. This dict should at least contains the `targets` field: >>> self.data_definitions = {'inputs': {'size': [-1, -1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]}, >>> 'targets': {'size': [-1, 1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]} >>> } - sets the access to ``AppState``: for dtype, visualization flag etc. >>> self.app_state = AppState() - initialize the best model loss (to select which model to save) to ``np.inf``: >>> self.best_loss = np.inf """ # Call base class constructor here. super(Model, self).__init__() # Store pointer to params. self.params = params # "Default" model name. = 'Model' # initialize the logger self.logger = logging.getLogger( # Flag indicating whether intermediate checkpoints should be saved or # not (DEFAULT: False). params.add_default_params({"save_intermediate": False}) self.save_intermediate = params["save_intermediate"] # process all params from configuration file and problem_default_values_ here try: for key in problem_default_values_.keys(): self.params.add_custom_params({key: problem_default_values_[key]}) except Exception: self.logger.warning('No parameter value was parsed from problem_default_values_') # --> We assume from here that the model class has all parameters values needed (either from params or # problem_default_values_) to be correctly instantiated and contained in self.params. # We can then define a dict that contains a description of the expected (and mandatory) inputs for this model. # This dict should be defined using self.params. self.data_definitions = {'inputs': {'size': [-1, -1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]}, 'targets': {'size': [-1, 1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]} } # --> The remaining parameters should be hardcoded values. # Initialize app state. self.app_state = AppState() # Window in which the data will be plotted. self.plotWindow = None # Initialization of best loss - as INF. self.best_loss = np.inf self.best_status = "Unknown"
[docs] def handshake_definitions(self, problem_data_definitions_): """ Proceeds to the handshake between what the Problem class provides (through a ``DataDict``) and what the model\ expects as inputs. .. note:: Handshaking is defined here as making sure that the ``Model`` and the ``Problem`` agree on the data that they exchange. More specifically, the ``Model`` has a definition of the inputs data that it expects\ (through its ``self.data_definitions`` attribute). The ``Problem`` has the same object describing what \ it generates. This functions proceeds to the handshaking as: - Verifying that all keys existing in ``Model.data_definitions`` are also existing in \ ``Problem.data_definitions``. If a key is missing, an exception is thrown. This function does not verify the key ``targets`` as this will be done by\ ``problems.problem.Problem.handshake_definitions``. - If all keys are present, than this function checks that for each (``Model.data_definitions``) key,\ the shape and type of the corresponding value matches what is indicated for the corresponding key\ in ``Problem.data_definitions``. If not, an exception is thrown. - **If both steps above passed, than the Model accepts what the Problem generates and can proceed \ to the forward pass.** To properly define the ``data_definitions`` dicts, here are some examples: >>> data_definitions = {'img': {'size': [-1, 320, 480, 3], 'type': [np.ndarray]}, >>> 'question': {'size': [-1, -1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]}, >>> 'question_length': {'size': [-1], 'type': [list, int]}, >>> # ... >>> } Please indicate both the size and the type as ``lists``: - Indicate all dimensions in the correct order for each key `size` field. If a dimension is\ unimportant or unknown (e.g. the batch size or variable-length sequences), then please indicate \ ``-1`` at the correct location. - If an object is a composition of several Python objects (``list``, ``dict``,...), then please \ include all objects type, matching the dimensions order: e.g. ``[list, dict]``. :param problem_data_definitions_: Contains the definition of a sample generated by the ``Problem`` class. :type problem_data_definitions_: dict :return: True if the ``Model`` accepts what the ``Problem`` generates, otherwise throws an exception. """ for key in [k for k in self.data_definitions.keys() if k != 'targets']: if key not in problem_data_definitions_.keys(): raise KeyError('The key {} is missing in the Problem.data_definitions. Handshake failed.'.format(key)) else: # key exists, first check the size: for i, dim in enumerate(self.data_definitions[key]['size']): if dim == -1: pass # don't care else: # we actually need to check if dim != problem_data_definitions_[key]['size'][i]: raise ValueError('There is a mismatch in the expected size of the key {} ' 'in Problem.data_definitions. Expected {}, got {}. Handshake failed.'.format( key, dim, problem_data_definitions_[key]['size'][i])) # then, check the type: for i, tp in enumerate(self.data_definitions[key]['type']): if not tp == problem_data_definitions_[key]['type'][i]: raise ValueError('There is a mismatch in the expected type(s) of the key {} ' 'in Problem.data_definitions. Expected {}, got {}. Handshake failed.'.format( key, tp, problem_data_definitions_[key]['type'][i])) # Everything matches, return true return True
[docs] def add_statistics(self, stat_col): """ Adds statistics to ``StatisticsCollector``. .. note:: Empty - To be redefined in inheriting classes. :param stat_col: ``StatisticsCollector``. """ pass
[docs] def collect_statistics(self, stat_col, data_dict, logits): """ Base statistics collection. .. note:: Empty - To be redefined in inheriting classes. The user has to ensure that the corresponding entry \ in the ``StatisticsCollector`` has been created with ``self.add_statistics()`` beforehand. :param stat_col: ``StatisticsCollector``. :param data_dict: ``DataDict`` containing inputs and targets. :type data_dict: DataDict :param logits: Predictions being output of the model. """ pass
[docs] def add_aggregators(self, stat_agg): """ Adds statistical aggregators to :py:class:miprometheus.utils.StatisticsAggregator. .. note:: Empty - To be redefined in inheriting classes. :param stat_agg: :py:class:miprometheus.utils.StatisticsAggregator. """ pass
[docs] def aggregate_statistics(self, stat_col, stat_agg): """ Aggregates the statistics collected by :py:class:miprometheus.utils.StatisticsCollector`` and adds the results to :py:class:miprometheus.utils.StatisticsAggregator. .. note:: Empty - To be redefined in inheriting classes. The user has to ensure that the corresponding entry \ in the ``StatisticsAggregator`` has been created with ``self.add_aggregators()`` beforehand.\ Given that the ``StatisticsAggregator`` uses the statistics collected by the ``StatisticsCollector``, \ the user should also ensure that these statistics are correctly collected \ (i.e. use of ``self.add_statistics`` and ``self.collect_statistics``). :param stat_col: :py:class:miprometheus.utils.StatisticsAggregatorCollector :param stat_agg: :py:class:miprometheus.utils.StatisticsAggregator """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def plot(self, data_dict, predictions, sample=0): """ Plots inputs, targets and predictions, along with model-dependent variables. . note:: Abstract - to be defined in derived classes. :param data_dict: ``DataDict`` containing input and target batches. :type data_dict: ``DataDict`` :param predictions: Prediction. :type predictions: ``torch.tensor`` :param sample: Number of sample in batch (default: 0) :type sample: int """
[docs] def save(self, model_dir, training_status, training_stats, validation_stats): """ Generic method saving the model parameters to file. It can be \ overloaded if one needs more control. :param model_dir: Directory where the model will be saved. :type model_dir: str :param training_status: String representing the current status of training. :type training_status: str :param training_stats: Training statistics that will be saved to checkpoint along with the model. :type training_stats: :py:class:`miprometheus.utils.StatisticsCollector` or \ :py:class:`miprometheus.utils.StatisticsAggregator` :param validation_stats: Validation statistics that will be saved to checkpoint along with the model. :type validation_stats: :py:class:`miprometheus.utils.StatisticsCollector` or \ :py:class:`miprometheus.utils.StatisticsAggregator` :return: True if this is currently the best model (until the current episode, considering the loss). """ # Process validation statistics, get the episode and loss. if validation_stats.__class__.__name__ == 'StatisticsCollector': # Get data from collector. episode = validation_stats['episode'][-1] loss = validation_stats['loss'][-1] else: # Get data from StatisticsAggregator. episode = validation_stats['episode'] loss = validation_stats['loss'] # Checkpoint to be saved. chkpt = {'name':, 'state_dict': self.state_dict(), 'model_timestamp':, 'episode': episode, 'loss': loss, 'status': training_status, 'status_timestamp':, 'training_stats': training_stats.export_to_checkpoint(), 'validation_stats': validation_stats.export_to_checkpoint() } # Save the intermediate checkpoint. if self.save_intermediate: filename = model_dir + 'model_episode_{:05d}.pt'.format(episode), filename) "Model and statistics exported to checkpoint {}".format(filename)) # Save the best model. loss = loss.cpu() # moving loss value to cpu type to allow (initial) comparison with numpy type if loss < self.best_loss: # Save best loss and status. self.best_loss = loss self.best_status = training_status # Save checkpoint. filename = model_dir + '', filename)"Model and statistics exported to checkpoint {}".format(filename)) return True elif self.best_status != training_status: filename = model_dir + '' # Load checkpoint. chkpt_loaded = torch.load(filename, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) # Update status and status time. chkpt_loaded['status'] = training_status chkpt_loaded['status_timestamp'] = # Save updated checkpoint., filename)"Updated training status in checkpoint {}".format(filename)) # Else: that was not the best model. return False
[docs] def load(self, checkpoint_file): """ Loads a model from the specified checkpoint file. :param checkpoint_file: File containing dictionary with model state and statistics. """ # Load checkpoint # This is to be able to load a CUDA-trained model on CPU chkpt = torch.load( checkpoint_file, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) # Load model. self.load_state_dict(chkpt['state_dict']) # Print statistics. "Imported {} parameters from checkpoint from {} (episode: {}, loss: {}, status: {})".format( chkpt['name'], chkpt['model_timestamp'], chkpt['episode'], chkpt['loss'], chkpt['status'] ))
[docs] def summarize(self): """ Summarizes the model by showing the trainable/non-trainable parameters and weights\ per layer ( ``nn.Module`` ). Uses ``recursive_summarize`` to iterate through the nested structure of the model (e.g. for RNNs). :return: Summary as a str. """ # add name of the current module summary_str = '\n' + '='*80 + '\n' summary_str += 'Model name (Type) \n' summary_str += ' + Submodule name (Type) \n' summary_str += ' Matrices: [(name, dims), ...]\n' summary_str += ' Trainable Params: #\n' summary_str += ' Non-trainable Params: #\n' summary_str += '=' * 80 + '\n' # go recursively in the model architecture summary_str += self.recursive_summarize(self, 0, # Sum the model parameters. num_total_params = sum([ for p in self.parameters()]) mod_trainable_params = filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, self.parameters()) num_trainable_params = sum([ for p in mod_trainable_params]) summary_str += '\nTotal Trainable Params: {}\n'.format(num_trainable_params) summary_str += 'Total Non-trainable Params: {}\n'.format(num_total_params-num_trainable_params) summary_str += '='*80 + '\n' return summary_str
[docs] def recursive_summarize(self, module_, indent_, module_name_): """ Function that recursively inspects the (sub)modules and records their statistics\ (like names, types, parameters, their numbers etc.) :param module_: Module to be inspected. :type module_: ``nn.Module`` or subclass :param indent_: Current indentation level. :type indent_: int :param module_name_: Name of the module that will be displayed before its type. :type module_name_: str :return: Str summarizing the module. """ # Recursively inspect the children. child_lines = [] for key, module in module_._modules.items(): child_lines.append(self.recursive_summarize(module, indent_+1, key)) # "Leaf information". mod_str = '' if indent_ > 0: mod_str += ' ' + '| ' * (indent_-1) + '+ ' mod_str += module_name_ + " (" + module_._get_name() + ')' mod_str += '\n' mod_str += ''.join(child_lines) # Get leaf weights and number of params - only for leafs! if not child_lines: # Collect names and dimensions of all (named) params. mod_weights = [(n, tuple(p.size())) for n, p in module_.named_parameters()] mod_str += ' ' + '| ' * indent_ + ' Matrices: {}\n'.format(mod_weights) # Sum the parameters. num_total_params = sum([ for p in module_.parameters()]) mod_trainable_params = filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, module_.parameters()) num_trainable_params = sum([ for p in mod_trainable_params]) mod_str += ' ' + '| ' * indent_ + ' Trainable Params: {}\n'.format(num_trainable_params) mod_str += ' ' + '| ' * indent_ + ' Non-trainable Params: {}\n'.format(num_total_params - num_trainable_params) mod_str += ' ' + '| ' * indent_ + '\n' return mod_str
if __name__ == '__main__': """Model unit test.""" from miprometheus.utils.param_interface import ParamInterface params = ParamInterface() model = Model(params) # you can play with one of the dicts below to see the handshake in action. model.data_definitions = {'img': {'size': [-1, 320, 480, 3], 'type': [np.ndarray]}, 'question': {'size': [-1, -1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]}, 'question_length': {'size': [-1], 'type': [list, int]}, 'question_string': {'size': [-1,-1], 'type': [list, str]}, 'question_type': {'size': [-1,-1], 'type': [list, str]}, 'targets': {'size': [-1], 'type': [torch.Tensor]}, 'targets_string': {'size': [-1,-1], 'type': [list, str]}, 'index': {'size': [-1], 'type': [list, int]}, 'imgfile': {'size': [-1,-1], 'type': [list,str]}, }