Source code for miprometheus.models.encoder_solver.mae_interface

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) IBM Corporation 2018
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""" pytorch module implementing MAE interface to the external memory."""
__author__ = "Tomasz Kornuta"

import torch
import logging
import collections
import numpy as np
from torch.nn import Module
logger = logging.getLogger('MAE-Interface')

from miprometheus.utils.app_state import AppState

# Helper collection type.
_MAEInterfaceStateTuple = collections.namedtuple(
    'MAEInterfaceStateTuple', ('attention', 'shift'))

[docs]class MAEInterfaceStateTuple(_MAEInterfaceStateTuple): """ Tuple used by interface for storing current/past MAE interface state information. """ __slots__ = ()
[docs]class MAEInterface(Module): """ Class realizing interface between controller and memory in Memory Augmented Encoder cell. """
[docs] def __init__(self, params): """ Constructor. :param params: Dictionary of parameters. """ # Call constructor of base class. super(MAEInterface, self).__init__() # Parse parameters. # Get hidden state size. self.ctrl_hidden_state_size = params['controller']['hidden_state_size'] # Get memory parameters. self.num_memory_content_bits = params['memory']['num_content_bits'] # Get interface parameters. self.interface_shift_size = params['mae_interface']['shift_size'] assert self.interface_shift_size % 2 != 0, 'Shift size must be an odd number' assert self.interface_shift_size > 0, 'Shift size must be > 0' # -------------- WRITE HEAD -----------------# # Number/size of wrrite parameters: # gamma [1] + shift kernel size [SHIFT_SIZE] + erase vector # [MEMORY_CONTENT_BITS] + write vector[MEMORY_BITS] num_write_params = 2 * self.num_memory_content_bits + 1 + self.interface_shift_size # Write parameters - used during slicing. self.write_param_locations = self.calculate_param_locations( {'shift': self.interface_shift_size, 'gamma': 1, 'erase_vector': self.num_memory_content_bits, 'add_vector': self.num_memory_content_bits}, "Write") assert num_write_params == self.write_param_locations[-1], "Last location must be equal to number of write params." # Forward linear layer that generates parameters of write head. self.hidden2write_params = torch.nn.Linear( self.ctrl_hidden_state_size, num_write_params)
[docs] def freeze(self): """ Freezes the trainable weigths. """ # Freeze linear layer. for param in self.hidden2write_params.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False
[docs] def init_state(self, batch_size, num_memory_addresses): """ Returns 'zero' (initial) state tuple. :param batch_size: Size of the batch in given iteraction/epoch. :param num_memory_addresses: Number of memory addresses. :returns: Initial state tuple - object of InterfaceStateTuple class. """ # Get dtype. dtype = AppState().dtype # Zero-hard attention. zh_attention = torch.zeros( batch_size, num_memory_addresses, 1).type(dtype) zh_attention[:, 0, 0] = 1 # Init gating. init_shift = torch.zeros( batch_size, self.interface_shift_size, 1).type(dtype) init_shift[:, 1, 0] = 1 # Return tuple. return MAEInterfaceStateTuple(zh_attention, init_shift)
[docs] def forward(self, ctrl_hidden_state_BxH, prev_memory_BxAxC, prev_interface_state_tuple): """ Controller forward function. :param ctrl_hidden_state_BxH: a Tensor with controller hidden state of size [BATCH_SIZE x HIDDEN_SIZE] :param prev_memory_BxAxC: Previous state of the memory [BATCH_SIZE x MEMORY_ADDRESSES x CONTENT_BITS] :param prev_interface_state_tuple: Tuple containing previous interface tuple. :returns: updated memory and state tuple (object of MAEInterfaceStateTuple class). """ # Unpack previous cell state. (prev_write_attention_BxAx1, _) = prev_interface_state_tuple # !! Execute single step !! # Write head operation. # Calculate parameters of a given read head. params_BxP = self.hidden2write_params(ctrl_hidden_state_BxH) # Split the parameters. shift_BxS, gamma_Bx1, erase_vector_BxC, add_vector_BxC = self.split_params( params_BxP, self.write_param_locations) # Add 3rd dimensions where required and apply non-linear # transformations. erase_vector_Bx1xC = torch.nn.functional.sigmoid(erase_vector_BxC).unsqueeze(1) add_vector_Bx1xC = torch.nn.functional.sigmoid(add_vector_BxC).unsqueeze(1) # Update the attention of the write head. write_attention_BxAx1, interface_state_tuple = self.update_attention( shift_BxS, gamma_Bx1, prev_memory_BxAxC, prev_write_attention_BxAx1) #logger.debug("write_attention_BxAx1 {}:\n {}".format(write_attention_BxAx1.size(), write_attention_BxAx1)) # Update the memory. memory_BxAxC = self.update_memory( write_attention_BxAx1, erase_vector_Bx1xC, add_vector_Bx1xC, prev_memory_BxAxC) # Return new memory state and state tuple. return memory_BxAxC, interface_state_tuple
[docs] def calculate_param_locations(self, param_sizes_dict, head_name): """ Calculates locations of parameters, that will subsequently be used during parameter splitting. :param param_sizes_dict: Dictionary containing parameters along with their sizes (in bits/units). :param head_name: Name of head. :returns: "Locations" of parameters. """ #logger.debug("{} param sizes dict:\n {}".format(head_name, param_sizes_dict)) # Create the parameter lengths and store their cumulative sum lengths = np.fromiter(param_sizes_dict.values(), dtype=int) # Store "parameter locations" for further usage. param_locations = np.cumsum( np.insert(lengths, 0, 0), dtype=int).tolist() #logger.debug("{} param locations:\n {}".format(head_name, param_locations)) return param_locations
[docs] def split_params(self, params, locations): """ Split parameters into list on the basis of locations. """ param_splits = [params[..., locations[i]:locations[i + 1]] for i in range(len(locations) - 1)] #logger.debug("Splitted params:\n {}".format(param_splits)) return param_splits
[docs] def update_attention(self, shift_BxS, gamma_Bx1, prev_memory_BxAxC, prev_attention_BxAx1): """ Updates the attention weights. :param shift_BxS: Convolution shift :param gamma_Bx1: Sharpening factor :param prev_memory_BxAxC: tensor containing memory before update [BATCH_SIZE x MEMORY_ADDRESSES x CONTENT_BITS] :param prev_attention_BxAx1: previous attention vector [BATCH_SIZE x MEMORY_ADDRESSES x 1] :returns: attention vector of size [BATCH_SIZE x ADDRESS_SIZE x 1] """ # Add 3rd dimensions where required and apply non-linear transformations. # Produce location-addressing params. shift_BxSx1 = torch.nn.functional.softmax(shift_BxS, dim=1).unsqueeze(2) # Gamma - oneplus. gamma_Bx1x1 = torch.nn.functional.softplus(gamma_Bx1).unsqueeze(2) + 1 # Location-based addressing. location_attention_BxAx1 = self.location_based_addressing( prev_attention_BxAx1, shift_BxSx1, gamma_Bx1x1, prev_memory_BxAxC) #logger.debug("location_attention_BxAx1 {}:\n {}".format(location_attention_BxAx1.size(), location_attention_BxAx1)) return location_attention_BxAx1, MAEInterfaceStateTuple( location_attention_BxAx1, shift_BxSx1)
[docs] def location_based_addressing( self, attention_BxAx1, shift_BxSx1, gamma_Bx1x1, prev_memory_BxAxC): """ Computes location-based addressing, i.e. shitfts the head and sharpens. :param attention_BxAx1: Current attention [BATCH_SIZE x ADDRESS_SIZE x 1] :param shift_BxSx1: soft shift maks (convolutional kernel) [BATCH_SIZE x SHIFT_SIZE x 1] :param gamma_Bx1x1: sharpening factor [BATCH_SIZE x 1 x 1] :param prev_memory_BxAxC: tensor containing memory before update [BATCH_SIZE x MEMORY_ADDRESSES x CONTENT_BITS] :returns: attention vector of size [BATCH_SIZE x ADDRESS_SIZE x 1] """ # 1. Perform circular convolution. shifted_attention_BxAx1 = self.circular_convolution( attention_BxAx1, shift_BxSx1, prev_memory_BxAxC) # 2. Perform Sharpening. sharpened_attention_BxAx1 = self.sharpening( shifted_attention_BxAx1, gamma_Bx1x1) return sharpened_attention_BxAx1
[docs] def circular_convolution(self, attention_BxAx1, shift_BxSx1, prev_memory_BxAxC): """ Performs circular convoution, i.e. shitfts the attention accodring to given shift vector (convolution mask). :param attention_BxAx1: Current attention [BATCH_SIZE x ADDRESS_SIZE x 1] :param shift_BxSx1: soft shift maks (convolutional kernel) [BATCH_SIZE x SHIFT_SIZE x 1] :param prev_memory_BxAxC: tensor containing memory before update [BATCH_SIZE x MEMORY_ADDRESSES x CONTENT_BITS] :returns: attention vector of size [BATCH_SIZE x ADDRESS_SIZE x 1] """ def circular_index(idx, num_addr): """ Calculates the index, taking into consideration the number of addresses in memory. :param idx: index (single element) :param num_addr: number of addresses in memory """ if idx < 0: return num_addr + idx elif idx >= num_addr: return idx - num_addr else: return idx # Check whether inputs are already on GPU or not. long_dtype = AppState().LongTensor # Get number of memory addresses and batch size. batch_size = prev_memory_BxAxC.size(0) num_addr = prev_memory_BxAxC.size(1) shift_size = self.interface_shift_size #logger.debug("shift_BxSx1 {}: {}".format(shift_BxSx1, shift_BxSx1.size())) # Create an extended list of indices indicating what elements of the # sequence will be where. ext_indices_tensor = torch.Tensor([circular_index(shift, num_addr) for shift in range(-shift_size // 2 + 1, num_addr + shift_size // 2)]).type(long_dtype) #logger.debug("ext_indices {}:\n {}".format(ext_indices_tensor.size(), ext_indices_tensor)) # Use indices for creation of an extended attention vector. ext_attention_BxEAx1 = torch.index_select( attention_BxAx1, dim=1, index=ext_indices_tensor) #logger.debug("ext_attention_BxEAx1 {}:\n {}".format(ext_attention_BxEAx1.size(), ext_attention_BxEAx1)) # Transpose inputs to convolution. ext_att_trans_Bx1xEA = torch.transpose(ext_attention_BxEAx1, 1, 2) shift_trans_Bx1xS = torch.transpose(shift_BxSx1, 1, 2) # Perform convolution for every batch-filter pair. tmp_attention_list = [] for b in range(batch_size): tmp_attention_list.append(torch.nn.functional.conv1d(ext_att_trans_Bx1xEA.narrow( 0, b, 1), shift_trans_Bx1xS.narrow(0, b, 1))) # Concatenate list into a single tensor. shifted_attention_BxAx1 = torch.transpose(, dim=0), 1, 2) #logger.debug("shifted_attention_BxAx1 {}:\n {}".format(shifted_attention_BxAx1.size(), shifted_attention_BxAx1)) return shifted_attention_BxAx1
[docs] def sharpening(self, attention_BxAx1, gamma_Bx1x1): """ Performs attention sharpening. :param attention_BxAx1: Current attention [BATCH_SIZE x ADDRESS_SIZE x 1] :param gamma_Bx1x1: sharpening factor [BATCH_SIZE x 1 x 1] :returns: attention vector of size [BATCH_SIZE x ADDRESS_SIZE x 1] """ # Power. pow_attention_BxAx1 = torch.pow(attention_BxAx1 + 1e-12, gamma_Bx1x1) #logger.debug("pow_attention_BxAx1 {}:\n {}".format(pow_attention_BxAx1.size(), pow_attention_BxAx1)) # Normalize along addresses. norm_attention_BxAx1 = torch.nn.functional.normalize(pow_attention_BxAx1, p=1, dim=1) #logger.debug("norm_attention_BxAx1 {}:\n {}".format(norm_attention_BxAx1.size(), norm_attention_BxAx1)) return norm_attention_BxAx1
[docs] def update_memory(self, write_attention_BxAx1, erase_vector_Bx1xC, add_vector_Bx1xC, prev_memory_BxAxC): """ Returns 3D tensor of size [BATCH_SIZE x MEMORY_ADDRESSES x CONTENT_BITS] storing new content of the memory. :param write_attention_BxAx1: Current write attention [BATCH_SIZE x ADDRESS_SIZE x 1] :param erase_vector_Bx1xC: Erase vector [BATCH_SIZE x 1 x CONTENT_BITS] :param add_vector_Bx1xC: Add vector [BATCH_SIZE x 1 x CONTENT_BITS] :param prev_memory_BxAxC: tensor containing previous state of the memory [BATCH_SIZE x MEMORY_ADDRESSES x CONTENT_BITS] :returns: vector read from the memory [BATCH_SIZE x CONTENT_BITS] """ # 1. Calculate the preserved content. preserve_content_BxAxC = 1 - \ torch.matmul(write_attention_BxAx1, erase_vector_Bx1xC) # 2. Calculate the added content. add_content_BxAxC = torch.matmul( write_attention_BxAx1, add_vector_Bx1xC) # 3. Update memory. memory_BxAxC = prev_memory_BxAxC * preserve_content_BxAxC + add_content_BxAxC return memory_BxAxC