Source code for miprometheus.models.dwm.tensor_utils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) IBM Corporation 2018
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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""" Utilities for manipulating tensors"""
__author__ = "Younes Bouhadjar, T.S Jayram"

import torch
import numpy as np

from miprometheus.utils.app_state import AppState

[docs]def normalize(x): """ Normalizes the input torch tensor along the last dimension using the max of the one norm The normalization is "fuzzy" to prevent divergences. :param x: input of shape [batch_size, A, A1 ..An] if the input is the weight vector x'sahpe (batch_size, num_heads, memory_size) :return: normalized x of shape [batch_size, A, A1 ..An] """ dtype = AppState().dtype return x / torch.max(torch.sum(x, dim=-1, keepdim=True), torch.Tensor([1e-12]).type(dtype))
[docs]def sim(query, data, l2_normalize=False, aligned=True): """ Batch dot-product similarity computed using matrix multiplication the hidden shapes must be broadcastable (numpy style) :param query: the input data to be compared [batch_size, h, p] p = memory_size if aligned is True and p = content_size if aligned is False :param data: Input state [batch_size, content_size, memory_size] :param l2_normalize: boolean, determines where to normalize the query and the data before the dot product :param aligned: boolean, determines whether to transpose data along the last two dimensions :return: out[...,i,j] = sum_k q[...,i,k] * data_gen[...,j,k] for the default options """ # data_gen.shape = hidden_shape_1 x M x N # query.shape = hidden_shape_2 x h x p, where: # p = N if aligned is True and p = M if aligned is False # out[...,i,j] = sum_k q[...,i,k] * data_gen[...,j,k] for the default # options if aligned: # transpose last 2 dims to enable matrix multiplication data = torch.transpose(data, -1, -2) assert query.size()[-1] == data.size()[-2] if l2_normalize: query = torch.nn.functional.normalize(query, dim=-1) data = torch.nn.functional.normalize(data, dim=-2) return torch.matmul(query, data)
# Batch outer product of two vectors # the hidden shapes must be broadcastable (numpy style)
[docs]def outer_prod(x, y): """ Batch outer product of two vectors (along the last two dimensions) the hidden shapes must be broadcastable (numpy style) :param x: (for the dwm model) input one [batch_size, num_heads, memory_content_size] :param y: (for the dwm model) Input two [batch_size, num_heads, memory_addresses_size] :return: Outer product [batch_size, num_heads, memory_content_size, memory_addresses_size] """ return x[..., :, None] * y[..., None, :]
[docs]def circular_conv(x, f): """ Batch 1D circular convolution with matching hidden shapes. :param x: input [batch_size, num_head, num_addresses] :param f: shift array [batch_size, num_heads, shift_size] :return: Circular convolution [batch_size, num_head, num_addresses] """ # computes y[...,i] = sum_{j=-ceil(s/2)+1}^{floor(s/2)} x[...,i-j] * # f[...,j] # check if number of addresses (x represents the attention) is larger than # the filer size f_last = f.size()[-1] assert (f_last >= 3) and (f_last <= x.size() [-1]), "filter size constraint violated" # check the number of heads and batch_size is the same for the filter and # the attention f_other = f.size()[:-1] assert f_other == x.size()[:-1], "hidden shapes should match" y = x.clone() ind_left = f_last // 2 ind_right = f_last - ind_left - 1 # padding to wrap x with itself x =[x[..., -ind_left:], x, x[..., :ind_right]], dim=-1) # loop over indices in the hidden shape for ix in np.ndindex(f_other): y[ix] = torch.nn.functional.conv1d(x[ix][None, None, :], f[ix][None, None, :]) return y