Source code for miprometheus.models.dnc.interface

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) IBM Corporation 2018
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""" Controlls the reading and writing from memory with the various DNC attention mechanisms"""
__author__ = " Ryan L. McAvoy"

import torch
import collections

from miprometheus.models.dnc.tensor_utils import circular_conv, normalize
from miprometheus.models.dnc.memory import Memory
from miprometheus.models.dnc.memory_usage import MemoryUsage
from miprometheus.models.dnc.temporal_linkage import TemporalLinkage
from miprometheus.utils.app_state import AppState

# Helper collection type.
_InterfaceStateTuple = collections.namedtuple(
    'InterfaceStateTuple', ('read_weights', 'write_weights', 'usage', 'links'))

[docs]class InterfaceStateTuple(_InterfaceStateTuple): """ Tuple used by interface for storing current/past state information. """ __slots__ = ()
[docs]class Interface(object): """ """
[docs] def __init__(self, params): """ Initialize Interface. :param params: dictionary of input parameters """ # Get memory parameters. self.num_memory_bits = params['memory_content_size'] # Number of read and write heads self._num_reads = params["num_reads"] self._num_writes = params["num_writes"] # parameters that determine whether this acts as a DNC or NTM self.use_ntm_write = params['use_ntm_write'] self.use_ntm_read = params['use_ntm_read'] self.use_ntm_order = params['use_ntm_order'] self.use_extra_write_gate = params['use_extra_write_gate'] self.mem_usage = MemoryUsage() self.temporal_linkage = TemporalLinkage(self._num_writes)
@property def read_size(self): """ Returns the size of the data read by all heads. :return: (num_head*content_size) """ return self._num_reads * self.num_memory_bits
[docs] def read(self, prev_interface_tuple, mem): """ returns the data read from memory. :param prev_interface_tuple: Tuple [previous read, previous write, prev usage, prev links] :param mem: the memory [batch_size, content_size, memory_size] :return: the read data [batch_size, content_size] """ (wt, _, _, _) = prev_interface_tuple memory = Memory(mem) read_data = memory.attention_read(wt) # flatten the data_gen in the last 2 dimensions sz = read_data.size()[:-2] return read_data.view(*sz, self.read_size)
[docs] def edit_memory(self, interface_tuple, update_data, mem): """ Edits the external memory and then returns it. :param update_data: the parameters from the controllers [dictionary] :param prev_interface_tuple: Tuple [previous read, previous write, prev usage, prev links] :param mem: the memory [batch_size, content_size, memory_size] :return: edited memory [batch_size, content_size, memory_size] """ (_, write_attention, _, _) = interface_tuple # Write to memory write_gate = update_data['write_gate'] add = update_data['write_vectors'] erase = update_data['erase_vectors'] if self.use_extra_write_gate: add = add * write_gate erase = erase * write_gate memory = Memory(mem) memory.erase_weighted(erase, write_attention) memory.add_weighted(add, write_attention) mem = memory.content return mem
[docs] def init_state(self, memory_address_size, batch_size): """ Returns 'zero' (initial) state tuple. :param memory_address_size: The number of memory addresses :param batch_size: Size of the batch in given iteraction/epoch. :returns: Initial state tuple - object of InterfaceStateTuple class. """ dtype = AppState().dtype # Read attention weights [BATCH_SIZE x MEMORY_SIZE] read_attention = torch.ones( (batch_size, self._num_reads, memory_address_size)).type(dtype) * 1e-6 # Write attention weights [BATCH_SIZE x MEMORY_SIZE] write_attention = torch.ones( (batch_size, self._num_writes, memory_address_size)).type(dtype) * 1e-6 # Usage of memory cells [BATCH_SIZE x MEMORY_SIZE] usage = self.mem_usage.init_state(memory_address_size, batch_size) # temporal links tuple link_tuple = self.temporal_linkage.init_state( memory_address_size, batch_size) return InterfaceStateTuple( read_attention, write_attention, usage, link_tuple)
[docs] def update_weight(self, prev_attention, memory, strength, gate, key, shift, sharp): """ Update the attention with NTM's mix of content addressing and linear shifting. :param prev_attention: tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_writes, memory_size]` giving the attention at the previous time step. :param memory: the memory of the previous step (class) :param strength: The strengthening parameter for the content addressing [batch, num_heads, 1] :param gate: The interpolation gate between the content addressing and the previous weight [batch, num_heads, 1] :param key: The comparison key for the content addressing [batch, num_heads, num_memory_bits] :param shift: The shift vector that defines the circular convolution of the outputs [batch, num_heads, num_shifts] :param sharp: sharpening parameter for the attention [batch, num_heads, 1] """ # Content addressing using weighted cosine similarity similarity = memory.content_similarity(key) content_weights = torch.nn.functional.softmax(strength * similarity, dim=-1) # Gate between the current weight and the content weights attention = gate * content_weights + (1 - gate) * prev_attention # Linear shift with convolution shifted_attention = circular_conv(attention, shift) # Sharpen weights and then normalize eps = 1e-12 attention = (shifted_attention + eps) ** sharp attention = normalize(attention) return attention
[docs] def update_write_weight(self, usage, memory, allocation_gate, write_gate, key, strength): """ Update write attention with DNC's combination of content addressing and usage based allocation. :param usage: A tensor of shape `[batch_size, memory_size]` representing current memory usage. :param memory: the memory of the previous step (class) :param strength: The strengthening parameter for the content addressing [batch, num_writes, 1] :param key: The comparison key for the content addressing [batch, num_writes, num_memory_bits] :param allocation_gate: Interpolation between writing to unallocated memory and content-based lookup, for each write head [batch, num_writes, 1] :param write_gate: Overall gating of write amount for each write head. [batch, num_writes, 1] """ # Calculate which memory slots are open for allocation write_allocation_weights = self.mem_usage.write_allocation_weights( usage=usage, write_gates=(allocation_gate * write_gate), num_writes=self._num_writes) # Content addressing using weighted cosine similarity similarity = memory.content_similarity(key) content_weights = torch.nn.functional.softmax(strength * similarity, dim=-1) # Gate between the allocatable memory and the content weighted memory wt = write_gate * (allocation_gate * write_allocation_weights + (1 - allocation_gate) * content_weights) return wt
[docs] def update_read_weight( self, link, memory, prev_read_weights, read_mode, key, strength): """ Update the read attention with the DNC's combination of content addressing and temporal link propagation to go forwards or backwards in time. :param link: A tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_writes, memory_size, memory_size]` representing the previous link graphs for each write head. :param memory: the memory of the previous step (class) :param prev_read_weights: tensor of shape `[batch_size, num_reads, memory_size]` containing the previous read weights w_{t-1}^r. :param read_mode: Mixing between "backwards" and "forwards" positions (for each write head) and content-based lookup, for each read head [batch, num_reads, 1+2*numwrites] :param strength: The strengthening parameter for the content addressing [batch, num_reads, 1] :param key: The comparison key for the content addressing [batch, num_reads, num_memory_bits] """ # Content addressing using weighted cosine similarity similarity = memory.content_similarity(key) content_weights = torch.nn.functional.softmax(strength * similarity, dim=-1) # Calculate the weight to go forward and backwards along the links # matrix forward_weights = self.temporal_linkage.directional_read_weights(, prev_read_weights, forward=True) backward_weights = self.temporal_linkage.directional_read_weights(, prev_read_weights, forward=False) # Reshape the read mode matrix backward_mode = torch.unsqueeze(read_mode[:, :, :self._num_writes], 3) forward_mode = torch.unsqueeze( read_mode[:, :, self._num_writes:2 * self._num_writes], 3) content_mode = torch.unsqueeze( read_mode[:, :, 2 * self._num_writes], 2) # Gate between the content similarity, going forwards along the link # matrix and going backwards read_weights = (content_mode * content_weights + torch.sum(forward_mode * forward_weights, 2) + torch.sum(backward_mode * backward_weights, 2)) return read_weights
[docs] def update_read(self, update_data, prev_interface_tuple, mem): """ Updates the read attention switching between the NTM and DNC mechanisms. :param update_data: the parameters from the controllers [dictionary] :param prev_interface_tuple: Tuple [previous read, previous write, prev usage, prev links[ :param prev_memory_BxMxA: the memory of the previous step (class) :return: The new interface tuple with an updated usage and write attention """ (prev_read_attention, prev_write_attention, prev_usage, prev_links) = prev_interface_tuple # Parameters for the content addressing key = update_data['read_content_keys'] strength = update_data['read_content_strengths'] # retrieve memory Class memory = Memory(mem) # update the attention using either the NTM read mechanism (True) or # the DNC (False) if self.use_ntm_read: # Parameters for shift addressing shift = update_data['shifts_read'] sharp = update_data['sharpening_read'] gate = update_data['read_mode_shift'] read_attention = self.update_weight( prev_read_attention, memory, strength, gate, key, shift, sharp) links = prev_links else: read_mode = update_data['read_mode'] links = self.temporal_linkage.calc_temporal_links( prev_write_attention, prev_links) read_attention = self.update_read_weight( links, memory, prev_read_attention, read_mode, key, strength) interface_state_tuple = InterfaceStateTuple( read_attention, prev_write_attention, prev_usage, links) return interface_state_tuple
[docs] def update_write(self, update_data, prev_interface_tuple, mem): """ Updates the write attention switching between the NTM and DNC mechanisms. :param update_data: the parameters from the controllers [dictionary] :param prev_interface_tuple: Tuple [previous read, previous write, prev usage, prev links] :param prev_memory_BxMxA: the memory of the previous step (class) :return: The new interface tuple with an updated usage and write attention """ (prev_read_attention, prev_write_attention, prev_usage, prev_links) = prev_interface_tuple # Obtain update parameters key = update_data['write_content_keys'] strength = update_data['write_content_strengths'] gate = update_data['allocation_gate'] # retrieve memory Class memory = Memory(mem) free_gate = update_data['free_gate'] usage = self.mem_usage.calculate_usage( prev_write_attention, free_gate, prev_read_attention, prev_usage) # update the attention using either the NTM write mechanism (True) or # the DNC (False) if self.use_ntm_write: # Parameters for shift addressing shift = update_data['shifts'] sharp = update_data['sharpening'] write_attention = self.update_weight( prev_write_attention, memory, strength, gate, key, shift, sharp) else: write_gate = update_data['write_gate'] allocation_gate = gate write_attention = self.update_write_weight( usage, memory, allocation_gate, write_gate, key, strength) interface_state_tuple = InterfaceStateTuple( prev_read_attention, write_attention, usage, prev_links) return interface_state_tuple
[docs] def update_and_edit(self, update_data, prev_interface_tuple, prev_memory_BxMxA): """ Erases from memory, writes to memory, updates the weights using various attention mechanisms. :param update_data: the parameters from the controllers [update_size] :param prev_interface_tuple: the read weight [BATCH_SIZE, MEMORY_SIZE] :param prev_memory_BxMxA: the memory of the previous step (class) :return: the new read vector, the update memory, the new interface tuple """ (prev_read_attention, prev_write_attention, prev_usage, prev_links) = prev_interface_tuple # Step 1: update the write weights interface_tuple = self.update_write( update_data, prev_interface_tuple, prev_memory_BxMxA) # Step 2: Write and Erase Data memory_BxMxA = self.edit_memory( interface_tuple, update_data, prev_memory_BxMxA) # Step 3: Update read weights using either the current or previous # memory if self.use_ntm_order: read_memory_BxMxA = prev_memory_BxMxA else: read_memory_BxMxA = memory_BxMxA interface_tuple = self.update_read( update_data, interface_tuple, read_memory_BxMxA) # Step 4: Read the data from memory read_vector_BxM =, memory_BxMxA) return read_vector_BxM, memory_BxMxA, interface_tuple