Source code for miprometheus.grid_workers.grid_analyzer

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) IBM Corporation 2018
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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    - This script post-processes the output of the ``GridTrainers`` and ``GridTesters``. \
    It gathers the test results into one `.csv` file.

__author__ = "Tomasz Kornuta & Vincent Marois"

import os
import csv
import yaml
import torch
import logging
from datetime import datetime

from miprometheus.grid_workers.grid_worker import GridWorker

[docs]class GridAnalyzer(GridWorker): """ Implementation of the :py:class:`miprometheus.grid_workers.GridAnalyzer`. Post-processes the test results of a grid of experiments and gather them in a csv file. This csv file will gather the training statistics (seeds, accuracies, terminal conditions,...), \ the validation statistics and the test statistics. Inherits from :py:class:`miprometheus.grid_workers.GridWorker`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name="GridAnalyzer"): """ Constructor for the :py:class:`miprometheus.grid_workers.GridAnalyzer`: - Calls basic constructor of :py:class:`miprometheus.grid_workers.GridWorker` :param name: Name of the worker (DEFAULT: "GridAnalyzer"). :type name: str """ # call base constructor super(GridAnalyzer, self).__init__(name=name, use_gpu=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def check_if_file_exists(dir_, filename_): """ Checks if ``filename_`` exists in ``dir_``. :param dir_: Path to file. :type dir_: str :param filename_: Name of the file to be opened and analysed. :type filename_: str :return: True if the file exists in the directory, else False """ return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir_, filename_))
[docs] def check_file_content(self, dir_, filename_): """ Checks if the number of lines in the file is > 1. :param dir_: Path to file. :type dir_: str :param filename_: Name of the file to be opened and analyzed. :type filename_: str :return: True if the number of lines in the file is strictly greater than one. """ return self.get_lines_number(os.path.join(dir_, filename_)) > 1
[docs] @staticmethod def get_lines_number(filename_): """ Returns the number of lines in ``filename_``. :param filename_: Filepath to be opened and line-read. :type filename_: str :return: Number of lines in the file. """ with open(filename_) as f: return sum(1 for _ in f)
[docs] def get_experiment_tests(self, experiment_path_): """ Returns a list of folders containing valid test experiments data: - A configuration (`testing_configuration.yaml`), - A csv file containing a data point for the aggregated statistics (`testing_set_agg_statistics.csv`) :param experiment_path_: Path to experiment (training) folder. :type experiment_path_: str :return: A list of valid test experiment folders. """ experiments_tests = [] for root, dirs, _ in os.walk(experiment_path_, topdown=True): for name in dirs: experiments_tests.append(os.path.join(root, name)) # Keep only the folders that contain a test configuration file and a csv statistics file. experiments_tests = [elem for elem in experiments_tests if self.check_if_file_exists(elem, 'testing_configuration.yaml') and self.check_if_file_exists(elem, 'testing_set_agg_statistics.csv')] # Check if the csv file contains at least one data point. experiments_tests = [elem for elem in experiments_tests if self.check_file_content(elem, 'testing_set_agg_statistics.csv')] return experiments_tests
[docs] def setup_grid_experiment(self): """ Setups the overall experiment: - Parses arguments and sets logger level, - Checks the presence of experiments folder, - Recursively traverses the experiment folders, cherry-picking subfolders containing: - (a) 'training_configuration.yaml' (training configuration file), - (b) 'models/' (checkpoint of the best saved model). """ # Parse arguments. self.flags, self.unparsed = self.parser.parse_known_args() # Set logger depending on the settings. self.logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, self.flags.log_level.upper(), None)) # Check if experiments directory was indicated. if self.flags.expdir == '': print('Please pass the experiments directory as --expdir') exit(-1) # Get experiment directory. self.experiment_rootdir = self.flags.expdir # Get all sub-directories paths in expdir. self.experiments_list = [] for root, dirs, _ in os.walk(self.experiment_rootdir, topdown=True): for name in dirs: self.experiments_list.append(os.path.join(root, name)) # Keep only the folders that contain training_configuration.yaml, training_statistics.csv and # training.csv and model (which contains aggregated validation statistics). self.experiments_list = [elem for elem in self.experiments_list if self.check_if_file_exists(elem, 'training_configuration.yaml') and self.check_if_file_exists(elem, 'models/')] # Check if there are some valid folders. if len(self.experiments_list) == 0: self.logger.error("There are no valid experiment folders in {} directory!".format(self.experiment_rootdir)) exit(-2) # List folders with "valid" experiment data. exp_str = "Found the following valid experiments in directory: {} \n".format(self.experiment_rootdir) exp_str += '='*80 + '\n' for exp in self.experiments_list: exp_str += " - {}\n".format(exp) exp_str += '='*80 + '\n' # Ask for confirmation - optional. if self.flags.user_confirm: try: input('Press <Enter> to confirm and start the grid analyzis\n') except KeyboardInterrupt: exit(0)
[docs] def run_experiment(self, experiment_path: str): """ Collects the training / validation / test statistics for a given experiment path. Analyzes whether the given training experiment folder contains subfolders with test experiments data: - Loads and parses training configuration file, - Loads checkpoint with model and training and validation statistics, - Recursively traverses subdirectories looking for test experiments, .. note:: We require that the test statistics csv files are valid, i.e. contain at least one line with \ collected statistics (excluding the header). - Collects statistics from training, validation (from model checkpoint) and test experiments \ (from test csv files found in subdirectories). :param experiment_path: Path to an experiment folder containing a training statistics. :type experiment_path: str :return: Four dictionaries containing: - Status info (model, problem etc.), - Training statistics, - Validation statistics, - Test statistics. """'Analyzing experiments from: {}'.format(experiment_path)) # Create dictionaries. status_dict = dict() train_dict = dict() valid_dict = dict() # Load yaml file, to get model name, problem name and random seeds. with open(os.path.join(experiment_path, 'training_configuration.yaml'), 'r') as yaml_file: params = yaml.load(yaml_file) # Get problem and model names - from config. status_dict['problem'] = params['testing']['problem']['name'] status_dict['model'] = params['model']['name'] # Load checkpoint from model file. chkpt = torch.load(os.path.join(experiment_path, 'models/'), map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) status_dict['model_save_timestamp'] = '{0:%Y%m%d_%H%M%S}'.format(chkpt['model_timestamp']) status_dict['training_terminal_status'] = chkpt['status'] status_dict['training_terminal_status_timestamp'] = '{0:%Y%m%d_%H%M%S}'.format(chkpt['status_timestamp']) # Create "empty" equivalent. status_dict_empty = dict.fromkeys(status_dict.keys(), ' ') # Copy training status stats. train_dict['training_configuration_filepath'] = os.path.join(experiment_path, 'training_configuration.yaml') train_dict['training_start_timestamp'] = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(experiment_path)) train_dict['training_seed_torch'] = params['training']['seed_torch'] train_dict['training_seed_numpy'] = params['training']['seed_numpy'] # Copy the training statistics from the checkpoint and add the 'train_' prefix. for key, value in chkpt['training_stats'].items(): train_dict['training_{}'.format(key)] = value # Create "empty" equivalent. train_dict_empty = dict.fromkeys(train_dict.keys(), ' ') # Copy the validation statistics from the checkpoint and add the 'valid_' prefix. for key, value in chkpt['validation_stats'].items(): valid_dict['validation_{}'.format(key)] = value # Create "empty" equivalent. valid_dict_empty = dict.fromkeys(valid_dict.keys(), ' ') # Get all tests for a given training experiment. experiments_tests = self.get_experiment_tests(experiment_path) list_test_dicts = [] if len(experiments_tests) > 0:' - Found {} test(s)'.format(len(experiments_tests))) # "Expand" status, train and valid dicts by empty ones, prop. to the number of test folders. list_status_dicts = [status_dict, *[status_dict_empty for _ in range(len(experiments_tests) - 1)]] list_train_dicts = [train_dict, *[train_dict_empty for _ in range(len(experiments_tests) - 1)]] list_valid_dicts = [valid_dict, *[valid_dict_empty for _ in range(len(experiments_tests) - 1)]] # Get tests statistics. for experiment_test_path in experiments_tests:' - Analyzing test from: {}'.format(experiment_test_path)) # Create test dict: test_dict = dict() test_dict['test_configuration_filepath'] = os.path.join(experiment_test_path, 'testing_set_agg_statistics.yaml') test_dict['test_start_timestamp'] = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(experiment_test_path))[5:] # Load yaml file and get random seeds. with open(os.path.join(experiment_test_path, 'testing_configuration.yaml'), 'r') as yaml_file: test_params = yaml.load(yaml_file) # Get seeds. test_dict['test_seed_torch'] = test_params['testing']['seed_torch'] test_dict['test_seed_numpy'] = test_params['testing']['seed_numpy'] # Load csv file and copy test statistics with open(os.path.join(experiment_test_path, 'testing_set_agg_statistics.csv'), mode='r') as f: # Open file. test_reader = csv.DictReader(f) # Copy training statistics. for row in test_reader: for key, value in row.items(): test_dict['test_{}'.format(key)] = value list_test_dicts.append(test_dict) else:' - Could not find any valid tests') list_status_dicts = [status_dict] list_train_dicts = [train_dict] list_valid_dicts = [valid_dict] # Add "empty test entry" list_test_dicts.append({}) # Return all dictionaries with lists return list_status_dicts, list_train_dicts, list_valid_dicts, list_test_dicts
[docs] @staticmethod def merge_list_dicts(list_dicts): """ Merges a list of dictionaries by filling the missing fields with spaces into one dict. :param list_dicts: List of dictionaries, potentially containing different headers, which will be merged. :type list_dicts: list :return: dict, resulting of the merge. """ # Create a "unified" header. header = set(k for d in list_dicts for k in d) # Create an "empty" dict from the unified header. empty_dict = {k: ' ' for k in header} # "Fill" all lists with empty gaps. list_filled_dicts = [] for i, _ in enumerate(list_dicts): list_filled_dicts.append({**empty_dict, **(list_dicts[i])}) # Zip lists of dicts. final_dict = dict(zip(header, zip(*[d.values() for d in list_filled_dicts]))) # Return the result. return final_dict
[docs] def run_grid_experiment(self): """ Collects four list of dicts from each experiment path contained in ``self.experiments_lists``. Merges all them together and saves result to a single csv file. """ try: # Go through the experiments one by one and collect data. list_statuses = [] list_trains = [] list_valids = [] list_tests = [] for exp in self.experiments_list: statuses, trains, valids, tests = self.run_experiment(exp) list_statuses.extend(statuses) list_trains.extend(trains) list_valids.extend(valids) list_tests.extend(tests) # Merge lists. statuses = self.merge_list_dicts(list_statuses) trains = self.merge_list_dicts(list_trains) valids = self.merge_list_dicts(list_valids) tests = self.merge_list_dicts(list_tests) # Merge everything into one big dictionary.. exp_values = {**statuses, **trains, **valids, **tests} # create results file results_file = os.path.join(self.experiment_rootdir, "{0:%Y%m%d_%H%M%S}_grid_analysis.csv".format( with open(results_file, "w") as outfile: writer = csv.writer(outfile, delimiter=',') writer.writerow(exp_values.keys()) writer.writerows(zip(*exp_values.values()))'Analysis finished')'Results stored in {}.'.format(results_file)) except KeyboardInterrupt:'Grid analysis interrupted!')
def main(): """ Entry point function for the :py:class:`miprometheus.grid_workers.GridAnalyzer`. """ grid_analyzer = GridAnalyzer() # parse args, load configuration and create all required objects. grid_analyzer.setup_grid_experiment() # GO! grid_analyzer.run_grid_experiment() if __name__ == '__main__': main()